I hate parties AU (Smut)

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I hate parties AU (smut)


I hate parties. I absolutely hate them, and somehow my best friends have managed to drag me to one. This whole situation was just a colossal bag of nope. I'd much rather be sat at home watching Attack On Titan in bed with a cup of coffee; no one ever listens to what Dan wants though, do they? Nope. Social interaction wasn't and has never been my forte, how I managed to get the friends I have now, I have no idea. It was Troye's idea to come to this party, and he had convinced everyone in our friend group that consisted of: Cat, Luke, Emma, Louise, PJ, me and obviously Troye. He has had his eye on Tyler for a while now, and since he was invited to his party, none of us could really say no (as much as I wanted to).

I wore complete black, hoping that the darkness of my clothing would help me blend in to the crowd or maybe the walls. I really wasn't looking forward to this to say the least, I hoped there would be a corner that I could melt myself in to: I would enjoy that much more.

"Oh for goodness sake, Dan!" Louise cursed, turning around to drag me closer to the group who were edging towards Tyler's front door. "We're doing this for Troye. We would do the same for you."

"I wouldn't ask you to do the same for me, I hate parties and you know that." I muttered in response which earnt an eye roll from my blonde friend. She placed her hand around my wrist and tugged me in to Tyler's house. Pulsating, migraine-inducing pop music hammered out the speakers and in to my head, I pursed my lips as I scanned my surroundings. A purple hue beamed out the dangling lights above my head whereas cheap LED lights hung across the walls, aluminous colours throbbed along with the rhythm of the music. Bodies pushed together, merging their body sweat on to one and other as they danced.

"Where's Tyler? Let's drop Troye off and leave." I shouted over the music, becoming anxious under the dominion of the crowd.

"Dan, we're not parents dropping their kid off on the first day of school. We're staying, that's final. How about we get you drink? That may calm you down." Louise commented, leading me behind her towards the kitchen.

She picked up a red plastic cup, grabbed a bottle and poured something in to it as I watched the rest of my friend group interact with other people. I at least though PJ would stick by my side throughout the night, as he knew about how bad I get in situations like this, but he seemed perfectly comfortable with some mystery brunette boy in the lounge.

"Here, drink this." Louise forced a cup in to my hand. I clutched it firmly, pursing my lips and looking down at the unknown concoction.

"What is it?" I asked her and she shrugged.

"Drink up, okay. You need to loosen up. Go dance. Go socialize. Just go do something." Louise said, gulping down her own cup in one. "I need to use the toilet." She said quickly pushing past me.

I gulped anxiously as I was left on my own, surrounded by people I barely knew. Looking around, I tried to find someone I did know, I wanted to get out of here so bad but I knew I would get in shit from Louise. Deciding it was worse to just stand in the kitchen like a loner, I walked around Tyler's house a little bit, drinking absentmindedly as I surveyed my surroundings. I had to admit, Tyler had a really nice home. The downstairs was big and open, almost if it was designed to hold large parties like this. The walls were painted white from what I could tell, but under the vibrant hue it might as well have been blue or yellow or beige. I expanded my exploration, venturing upstairs half of me hoping that I would run in to Louise.

Instead, I saw someone I never wanted to see again. My ex. My eyes widened and I quickly turned to face my back towards him, hoping he wouldn't notice me. I took a large gulp of my drink, looking behind me to see that he had looked over. Fuck!

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