Chapter 4

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My second day of school really wasn't any better than my first, though that was arguable. While the girls all continued to avoid me like the plague, the boys had warmed up a bit. That might've been nice if they appeared to like me for any other reason than my physical appearance. Not once did anyone ask how I was or if I was settling in alright; they only cared about my body, whether it was shown by a derogatory remark concerning my behind or someone staring at my boobs (which, by the way, were a modest B).

I'd had enough by last period. Lunch had been lonely without Benjamin, who'd had detention for running his mouth off like usual. So, with nobody to rant at about all of my frustrations (even if the somebody was someone I'd known for two and a half days), I had to keep everything bottled up, until someone went too far and made the lid come bursting off the top.

"Hey, you're Svetlana, right?"

I looked up from my Calculus textbook to see a boy looming over my desk, taking his chances while the teacher worked on his computer. He was an Asian boy I'd heard someone call Krishan earlier. He wasn't particularly good-looking, but he wasn't ugly, either. Just... average.

"Yeah." I smiled back at him. He looked genuine, so maybe not everyone here was so bad after all. "And you're Krishan."

I could tell he was flattered I knew his name, and a weird look crossed his features briefly, something like concern or guilt. It vanished, though, when his friends on the other side of the classroom catcalled to him. While I ignored them, Krishan sent over a grin. "Okay, so me and a few friends were wondering... well, we heard you guys can be a bit aggressive."

My smile disappeared at the suggestive note in his voice and I felt my chest flush with anxiety. I could sense embarrassment was on its way. "Excuse me?"

He carried on. "Well, it's just, I always thought Eastern European girls were kinda kinky- y'know, fucked up in bed. So are you into, y'know, whips and stuff? Or maybe-"

I cut him off at that point- with my fist. I barely even registered what I was doing as I raised my hand to punch him, a satisfying crunch sounding when the bones in his nose broke (another party trick I'd learned as a stripper.) I felt an incredible outrage at what he was insinuating, made worse by the fact that I couldn't stop wondering if I really was as cheap as he'd suggested. Although I knew it was nothing to do with my ethnicity, I had, after all, danced erotically for money. Only yesterday, I'd dreamed such dirty things about Benjamin. And all the families I'd ever intruded on had left me. What did that suggest about what kind of person I was?

I was sent to the office- of course- shaking out my aching fist as I went. I was told that the principal was, thankfully, occupied and, after some calls were made, the receptionist said that neither Richard nor Lilith were coming to collect me (apparently, they had some sort of meeting with my social worker about how I was settling in.) I was to wait in the office waiting room until the end of school, when Benjamin would come to escort me from the building. I had no idea why a guy that had spent lunch in detention was considered credible for the job, but knew not to question it. It was only better for me if they weren't going to make me wait for my new guardians to come and pick me up. Or, worse yet, wait for the principal to get back from his meeting (I'd had one too many of those chats to know that they never ended well.)

"You'll be in detention after school for the remainder of this week, as will Krishan for the comments he made. They'll be held in your Calculus class," said the receptionist when Benjamin arrived after last period had ended. As I'd expected, an amused smile lit his lips.

"Don't smile like that," I told him as we made our way out to the parking lot, over to his car. "It's creepy and unattractive."

He stopped, probably only because he found my total avoidance of my fist-fight astounding. "Would you care to explain why you punched Krishan Kapoor in the face?"

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