Chapter 6

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The weekend seemed to pass quickly. Mostly, I spent my time with Lilith and Richard, who took me out shopping to buy some clothes. Well, Richard browsed for gadgets like a total guy while Lilith dragged me into some stores that sold more 'practical clothing.' In other words, she didn't want me dressing like a slut. I was in half a mind about this. On the one hand, I liked the way I dressed. I liked to know I looked good and I liked feeling confident. But on the other, I knew that sometimes people could be judgmental and maybe finding some tops that had a higher neckline wasn't such a bad idea.

Benjamin mostly stayed in his room studying, only coming out for meals or to go for a run. Practically all the time, he was without a shirt, something I had no problem with. We didn't talk a whole lot, which I think had a little to do with our intimate moment in the living room on Friday, and many times I had to restrain myself from knocking on his bedroom door. If he needed some time to be away from me, some space for whatever reason, I would give him that.

When I came downstairs on Monday morning, he was standing by the front door waiting for me. At my appearance, he gave a small smile and said, "Your outfit's a little less racy than I was expecting."

"In a good way?" Most guys wouldn't like it if I ditched the crop top for a sweater, the mini skirt for a pair of skinny jeans and the heels for converse, but Benjamin... he looked pleased. I just couldn't understand him.

"If you like it, then, yeah," he answered and, after offering me another one of his rare smiles, started outside to his car. I just stood there for a moment, almost stunned, before following, trying to tell myself that the attraction I held for him was purely physical. Only, if he kept saying things like that... well, I was scared it might escalate to more than that. All the guys I had encountered had only ever seemed interested in my body. It wasn't that I had given them a chance to change by dating them- I had done nothing more than kissing- but I could already tell their type. But Benjamin didn't glue his eyes to my legs as soon as I walked in. No, he looked me right in the eye, like he didn't care that they were more adorable than sexy or that I had arms that were too thin. I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not.

"So, who were you meeting yesterday?" he asked casually as we pulled out of the driveway.

I couldn't help the slight surprise on my face at that. He really wasn't much of a talker, so him showing interest in my life, even after a week or so, had come to be known as rare. Still, I managed to force my voice to sound just as nonchalant as his when I said, "Two of my stripper friends."

He nodded, still blasé. "Did you-" a painfully deep sigh "-have fun?"

Sighing, I rolled my shoulders back before turning my body towards him as much as my seat belt would allow. Briefly, he glanced at me from the corners of his eyes before settling them back onto the road. I knew I had his attention, though. "Why the sudden interest in my social life?" I asked, rather bluntly.

Benjamin didn't reply until we were parked in the lot at school, which was about a minute later. When the engine had been cut, though, he turned to face me as well. I wasn't prepared for the look on his face. He was utterly serious, eyes gently boring into mine in a way that was almost asking for something. I just didn't know what he wanted yet. "Am I not allowed to ask you about your life? Are we not allowed to be friends?"

I let out a quiet breath. "Of course we can be friends- we are friends. But so far, you've made it quite clear that you're not a very sociable person."

"Well, now I want to talk."

"Okay. Just don't have a hissy fit in a few days and suddenly go back to normal, because I will not be happy."



With that, we both got out of the car in a huff and stalked towards the front doors of the school. Well, he stalked while I tried to keep up by running. Once he realised what was happening, how much longer his legs were than mine, he stopped, sending me an apologetic look as he slowed down again. "I'm sorry," he said, in a way that seemed as though he was apologizing for a lot more than just walking fast.

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