Chapter 10

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It was nice to finally be able to walk down Rendenville High School's halls without feeling like I was going through some kinda of identity crisis. When I'd come back after the weekend, I didn't miraculously become Miss Popular, but at least I wasn't torn between embracing my self-disgust and forcing out self-worth. Benjamin had taught me that I had to find a balance between the two sides; that I needed to welcome my dark side without letting it take over completely.

When we came home from school on Friday, I walked past him doing pull-ups with the bar that had been secured onto his doorframe. Over the past two or three weeks, I'd learned that he was a bit of a fitness freak as I watched him work out frequently and down unappetising protein shakes. They worked, obvious from his incredible, incredible body, but I could never drink something like that. No, I was more admiring of his dedication to his working out, to the point where it was kind of like a hobby. I didn't see why exercising couldn't be a hobby, anyway.

"Can I try that?" I asked when he stopped mid-lift, his muscles impressively locking in place. He didn't appear strained for the few seconds he looked down at me, and when he finally let his feet drop to the floor he shot me a dazzling smirk.

"I think I could probably break your arms in half if I tried," he teased, but I just ignored him. Chin up, I brushed past his glistening, white body and tiptoed up so I could secure my hands around the pole. I paused, just for a second, to get a good grip before pulling my body into the air.

Well, attempting to. Just like Benjamin had insinuated, my arms were still rail-thin from those starved months as a stripper and had little muscle on them, let alone fat. They quivered while I tried to pull my body up but, just as I was about to admit defeat and let my body slump, two large hands gripped my waist. They almost met each other, making a small bit of womanly pride swell within me, and easily lifted me up. Benjamin continued this, laughing quietly to himself as he did so.

"There," he said, voice shaking with amusement as he lifted me up and down. "You're doing it."

"Told you."

"Yep. You proved me wrong."

Benjamin placed me onto the ground again and we both burst out laughing. "Okay, so maybe my arms need a bit of work," I admitted. I went further into his room, acting like I owned the place despite the fact that I'd never been in there before, and picked up one of his lighter dumbbells to start doing bicep curls. I was only lifting about a pound so I was able to easily look around his room, taking note of a Red Hot Chilli Peppers poster and the insane amount of fitness equipment scattered around. "Hey, I can use this," I said as I spotted a skipping rope. I started to use it, and didn't even shave anything in his spacious room.

Benjamin raised his eyebrows at me as I skipped. "May I help you?"

"No, I'm good," I said airily. A small groan of frustration left his lips before he stepped forwards to catch the jump rope, abruptly stopping my skipping. "Hey," I said indignantly.

"You're obviously bored and I know I'm not gonna' get a moment's peace for the rest of the night, so we're going out." And with that, he walked into his bathroom and shut the door. I just stared at it, kinda of intrigued, and only snapped out of it once the shower could be heard. He was... he was taking me out? As a friend, obviously; I just couldn't deny that it meant something a little more to me.

We drove for hours. Benjamin told me that the closest town was '"boring as hell"' and so we agreed we might as well go somewhere worthwhile if we had to take a long drive either way. I offered to pay some of the gas money but he refused, muttering something about having too much inheritance, and I didn't push it further.

To pass the time, I suggested we play some car games, but the idea was shot down immediately. I wasn't surprised, his snarky nature not exactly screaming that he loved to play Eye Spy, and asked what he wanted to do. I was met with silence and when I asked again, he said he was showing me what he wanted to do. Not talking.

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