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Drip drop. The rain falls off the points of my red umbrella into a nearby puddle. Drip drop.

I stand and stare at the large, brick building before me. What lies in this building? What lies were told? What secrets were told? What secrets were kept?

Would I fit in with them? The ones who learn here. The ones who know the secrets. Them.

I sigh as I dream of the impossible. "I couldn't."

The puddle beside me continues to fill with the water that continues to fall from the sky. Drip drop.

"Do you think I would be friends with her?" I watch a girl walk into the building, "maybe him?" I watch a young boy enter the school.

I shiver as I feel the cold breeze hit me. My red coat is my only warmth. "What is warmth? I don't remember."

I watch a boy as he walks through the parking lot. He's small and pained. The slits on his wrists and size of his waist shows it all.

I turn to stare at the puddle which now runs over into a ditch.

I turn around at the loud bang. Sadness fills me.

The boy lays on the ground as the color red seeps from his open heart. The cause of destruction lays on the ground as its owner flees.

The people cry without reason. They cry as if the boy before them was their closest friend.

They were all holding secrets of the young boys pain. The torment he faced. The tears he shed. He was weak and taken advantage of.

The man is fifty dollars richer. The boy is now lifeless. Such a sad scene.

I wipe my eyes as men with gloves scoop up the lifeless boy. Students leave and go about their day. They cry then forget. Cruel world.

The scene is left with only slight blood stains on the black top.

I stand and stare. Humans are capable of such cruelty.

Someone walks past me and kneels before the blood stains. His red coat and tearing eyes break my heart.

He knows pain and now he knows death. I'm sorry.

I lay my hand on his shoulder as he nods and stands up.

He opens his red umbrella and takes my hand as we walk back to the face of the school.

He wipes the tears from his eyes as I whisper to him, "No more tears. We are pained and broken. We have each other. The world killed us so now, we watch the world die."

He nods as the wind blows stronger. The rain falls harder. Drip drop.

The lightning strikes against the black top before us as we disappear into the flash.

In the end, the world is still black and white. Dog eats dog. Man kills man. Though sometimes, a person is born who is different from the rest. They are hunted and taken advantage of.

The world is black and white and the dead are painted red.

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