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Lonely in this world but still feeling loved. It's hard to explain but easy to feel. I keep living for this love. For this unknown feeling. Not knowing what to think but only what to feel.

I drive my car down the highway. It's easy to get lost in the lonely lullaby but I'll sing it with all of my soul. I plan to preform when I grow older. If I can't explain what I think, I'll sing it. I have big dreams. Even though I can't share them with anyone, I'll keep dreaming.

I see something in the corner of my eye and quickly turn to see it.

It all happened so fast. There are people everywhere. A faded version of man stands crying as he looks at his family and himself.

I turn to see my car totaled.

"How am I okay from all of this?" I ask myself as I look at my hand.

My hand is almost transparent. I see my body covered in blood through my hand.

"W-what? B-but I'm right here."

Tears begin falling from my face as I see men gather my body into a bag and begin cleaning up. My blood stains this highway.

People begin clearing as the ambulances leave. I see someone still standing by my bloodstains. They are crying over me. Who is this?

I begin to walk over and notice the father disappearing. Will I disappear? Can I disappear?

I run over to the person. They have elegant white wings. An angel maybe?

I try to grab their attention but they can't see me. They uncover their face and my heart drops. Whoever they are, they are beautiful. I feel like I know them.

The person flies under a tree and tries to stop crying. I follow them and set my hand on their shoulder.

I quietly speak, "Thank you for always watching over me my love. Goodbye." 

The Beauty of EyesWhere stories live. Discover now