Blue Beauty

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What do you do when you see the Blue Beauty? You can stop and take a breath. But Blue Beauty takes your breath away.

You sit and watch The Beauty. Not knowing the name or the story of this person, makes for an intriguing mystery.

You watch the Blue Beauty as it runs its fingers through its teal blue hair. The smile is fake. It has fear in its blue eyes. Blue Beauty battles personal darkness. Though this person is beautiful, it knows the struggles of human life.

The Beauty's thoughts are loud. You can hear them clearly, "I'm not good enough. I'm strange and weird. I'll never amount to anything. I'm sorry...I'm sorry!"

You let a tear fall as you feel the pain of the Blue Beauty. It shakes you to the core to know someone so beautiful could feel this terrible.

You want to reach out to this person. Hold them, and tell them everything will be alright. But you can't.

You are only a shadow, in love with a beauty.

The Blue Beauty stares at the clear sky and let's tears fall down it's pink cheeks.

The winter is bitter like the human mind. You wish you could show the Beauty how beautiful it is.

You begin to hum softly as you hide in the shadows. "You are my Sunshine." Is the song you hum.

The Beauty turns around and begins to walk towards you. The Beauty wipes its eyes and stares directly at you. Does this broken Beauty see you in the shadows?

No. This beauty only heard your song in the darkness. This human always amazes you.

The Blue Beauty smiles and speaks his thoughts aloud, "Thank you Beautiful Shadow. Thank you."

With that, your Blue Beauty leaves and for the first time in a long time, you smile.

The Beauty of EyesWhere stories live. Discover now