My Prince Will Come

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Blue ball gown flows on the dance floor. Her beauty is like Cinderella. He grabs her waist and hand and begins to dance. Don't dance.

On the outside he seems like Prince Charming. Little do they know, when he takes his Cinderella home, they are hurt.

Run you beautiful princess. He has that devilish look in his eyes that is mistaken for love. Many princesses have felt this and the pain it will cause. Run. You are different. I can't watch you die on the inside like the others.

I watch over the devil Prince. I've seen what he's capable of. You are different. I can see it in your eyes. Please run.

It's midnight. Lose your glass heels and run. Don't let him find you.

This Prince doesn't want love, just to make it.

Don't let him open that door for you. Don't get in his car. Don't.

It's happening again. Your blue eyes hold tears of pain. Your bruises match his fists. Run. I'll hold him off.

No. The smell of blood fills the room. She's lifeless. She wouldn't run. She thought she was in love. Don't mistake pain for care.

He hides her body and puts on his mask. It's time to go find another Cinderella. This one didn't last.

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