who do you love?

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Laurents pov:

I sat there next to Larry watching this stupid movie. i just texted my girlfriend throughout half of the movie. larry looked a bit irritated. he cleared his throat and i took that as a sign to get rid of my phone and pay attention.  Why did I agree to this? i grabbed the remote changing the channel. He only gave me a threatening glare and snatched the remote back. i hissed in pain a little feeling his nails scratch my hand

"ouch larry! can we please watch something else! "

"nope, why don't you go talk on the phone to your stupid girlfriend"

"why she got to be stupid?"

"because she just is.. and you stupid for picking her ugly ass"

"she stupid and ugly now. Do i detect i hint of jealousy larry"

"im not jealous.. you've just been spending a lot of time with her is all you always text and call her i mean your not even paying attention to us time now.. its always her time..so just go away and ...chase after cinderatcher.."

i climbed on larrys lap grabbing the remote and turned off the tv. I ignored his mean look and rolled my eyes. if i new that larry was feeling alone ever since i left him for my girlfriend then i would've never gone out with her. i hate seeing larry hurt. and although larrys ego is to big to admit it..i know he missed me just as much as i missed hanging out with him.  i kissed his cheek and smiled. i bit down on his neck earning a gasp from him. i then wrapped my arms around his neck.

"i love you larry, and im never going anywhere okay? i wont leave or hurt you.."

larrys pov:

When Laurent left and started hanging out with cinderratchet, ive been feeling not myself lately..i miss his smell and joking with him and dancing with him. my heart was pumping as i looked into his eyes.. why am i so nervous? i don't understand this feeling..i lifted Laurent off of me and headed into my room only having him follow me. i couldn't even close the door because he was already right in front of me.  i cant have these cursed feelings. i cant... his my brother..am i jealous because somebody else has his full affection and attention now? i grabbed both my arms forcing me to face him.

"larry, im not going to let some girl come between us! its always been you and me..and it will continue to be just that. "

"let me go lau..i don't want to be the third wheel.. im not going to make you choose between me or her because i love you to much for that...just go away and be with her.."

before larry could say another word, Laurent had smashed his lips onto his shushing his whining and protests. the kissed seemed to be never ending, larrys closed eyes and silent moans could be confirmed that he was enjoying the affection. Laurent pulled apart, only to hear another whine from larry again, and that made Laurent smile. He pushed larry onto the bed and climbed on top of him.

"larry, im not going to be with her anymore. every time me and her out some place i always catch her giving flirtatious looks to other guys. she would often flirt with guys in front of me. i only thought i had to be with her to avoid feelings with you. but i see now that i can no longer hide my feelings. "

"really? so its just ..me and you?

"yes baby"

larry ended up smiling, happy at the thought that their relationship would sky rocket to a whole new level. he felt silly and stupid for ever thinking that Laurent would leave for a girl. they just sat there in bed. Having there bodies tangled into each other and enjoying the moment...well..they enjoyed the moment until larry spoke again.



"told you cinderatchet was stupid and ugly.."

"im making a sandwhich..you just spoiled the moment.."


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i allais tempêter parce que je dois beaucoup de choses en profondeur dans mon esprit, mais je décidai de faire juste une histoire à la place.

autre que celui Passez une bonne journée


thank you for reading.

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i was going to rant because i have alot of deep stuff on my mind but i decided to just make a story instead.

other than that have a good day

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