the downside of twins

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I have no clue what I'm doing now, this story is bull crap, like I'm just going to make shit up as I go so...pray for me lol...I'm horrible with stories...

Authors pov

Larry grabbed his hair yanking it as he looked down at his test. He looked around the room and saw heads down at their paper and heard scribbling and erasing. He could tell some people new what they where doing, including his brother Laurent Who Sat across from him, others needed all the help they could get much like himself. He cursed mentally regretting playing video games instead of actually studying like his brother did. He warned that this would happen, but like always he  ignored his nagging. He chewed on his pen cap as he began to think hard about what the possible answers might be on the history test, he would concider guessing and getting it over with, but the chances of getting the answer right on a multiple choice question was slim to none plus he was already failing history so one more bad grade brought home and an unfair punishment was going to have to be made by an unhappy mother. He began to doodle stick figures on the test while slouching in his seat but when he looked up at the clock the time for playing around was over since class would soon be ending in less than 15 minutes. Luckily the teachers gaze was glued to the computer having the mouse being clicked multiple times in an irritated manner, he watched the teachers eyebrows furrow when trying to put the remaining assignments into the grade book from yesterday, the process however was slow since the school never had fast technology. He took that as an opportunity to nudge laurents arm quickly gaining his attention in the oh so quiet and boring environment.

Larry: " Hey lau, can-"

Laurent: "no..."

Larry: "you no even know what I'm going to say!"

Laurent: "I watched you play fifa all night while I studied Larry, and I know that you not going to ask me to help you finish your little stick figure drawings on the test so just say it now."

Larry: "fine! I need the answers so please help me out, you know mama going to kill me !"

Laurent: "let me think about"

Larry: "please lau!"

The teacher looked up hearing the murmurs going on around the room, the same gaze lingered throughout different students and some where done already. Most tests that where finished was flipped over,  people who where done had their heads held down but still being told to not talk for testing was still going on.  Larry nudged laurent again with pleading puppy dog eyes that he new laurent couldn't resist.

Laurent: "stop!"

Larry: "please.. ill love you forever and ever... please my favorite twin in the whole wide world"

Laurent: "ermm...I hate when you do this to me!...fine but if we get caught I'm blaming you!"

Larry: "oh thank you!"

He Scooted his chair over a tad bit but still carefull to not alarm the teacher, he looked at the test through his peripheral vision and copied down the answers one by one. The teachers voice was boomed throughout the class and soon all writing utensils where heard smacking the desk.


Larry and laurent plopped down onto their bed with the door closed, he fished out his test results that rested neatly inside his bag and grinned from ear to ear as he continued to read the bright red ink that spelled out 'great job' onto his paper giving him an A plus. They both sighed and rested on the silky bed sheets that was made neatly by their mom, she would no longer be upset when seeing the great test results later on.

Laurent: "you've been looking at that paper all day in school larry"

He chuckled seeing him this relieved over a simple grade. Larry rolled his eyes and playfully punched laurent on the arm.

Larry: "I just glad it's over with and done. That was hard"

Laurent: "yeah, I guess doodling stick figures then asking somebody for the answers to the test at the last minute is kind of frustrating"

Larry: "shut up! I no need your sarcasm right now, I'm just excited that I get a good grade. Don't kill my vibe laurent"

Laurent: you right, but want to know whats even more exciting!"

Larry: "sure what"

Laurent: "actually studying on your own so you won't have to bother your brother for the answers in the middle of a test!"

Larry: "are you serious! I sorry okay! I'll make it up later!"

Laurent smirked and aimed a pillow at larrys head, he laughed once he saw Larry lose balance making him land on the floor easily, but a pillow was only aimed back a laurent in return and soon a pillow fight was to come.

Larry: "you bitch!"

They laughed having a brotherly bond, these are the moments that made them both smile. Nobody would understand their relationship like them. When Larry threw another pillow at laurent, he ducked and tackled Larry so that he was on top of him on the bed.

Larry: "Ahh get off!"

Laurent: "non, say I'm the best!"

Larry: "youre the b-bitch!"

Laurent*rolls eyes*: "say it larry !!"

Larry: "fine your the best!"

In return laurent leaned his head towards larrys, their lips soon touching sharing a soft and gentle quick kiss. He got up off of larry who was rolling his eyes from the random affection. Larry loved his brothers touch no matter how much he denied it.

Larry: "you so weird My brother"

Laurent: "that's why you love me"

Larry: " yes I love you.."

Laurent: " I love you too, but you realize I'm not helping you cheat any more right.."

Larry: " oh but you do my brother"

He said with a grin on his face, laurent new that devious grin all to well and gulped at the thought of knowing what that meant.

Laurent: "w-why is that?"

Larry: "because, we twin brothers remember. That means that my mess is now your mess. So just think, mama wouldn't be to happy seeing her son fail, she would yell at me for obvious reasons, but for you...she would yell at you more my brother, one reason is because your not helping your poor innocent brother out, two because you are leaving me behind and you know how mama is about wanting us to stay with eachother. You supposed to take care of me, so I suggest you scoot your chair in alot closer to me next time we have tests other wise...."

He stopped mid sentence and laughed, looking at laurents facial expression made larrys face. Laurent's jaw was dropped , he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Larry: "oh my sweet brother, let's just say, you'll be in a lot of trouble by mama and me especially, So do as I say, ok baby lau? I would hate for you to be punished by me"

Larry got up off the bed exiting the room but not before winking at laurent. Oh Larry can play the innocent game really well. Almost to the point where you are fooled by it and you fall along with him, but then again Larry hides his intelligence but shows it at the right moment, and when that happens prepare to feel dumbfounded. People say laurent has multiple personalities, but they never say anything about larry...

Having a twin isn't all good....

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