Who Did We Meet?

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Marik rode his motorcycle through the city. Sachi held on to Marik as tight as she could, trying not to freak out at the incredibly high speed they were moving at. Marik began to drive down an alley. Bakura suddenly ran in front of them. Marik skidded to a stop, sending Sachi flying into Bakura. He didn't budge, catching her by the collar of her shirt.

"WHAT THE FRIG, MAN?!!!" Marik got off his bike, startled by Bakura and worried for Sachi.

"I believe you dropped this." Bakura threw Sachi at Marik.

Marik caught Sachi, but not before she hit the wall behind him. "Oww..." He sighed and set her down. Sachi sat against the wall, rubbing her head.

Marik looked to Bakura and held his hand out to him. "I like your style. My name is Marik."

Bakura smacked his hand away. "I don't care." His expression was fixed in a serious frown. "I'm only here because my gaydar was picking up serious readings from here..." He checked out Marik, slowly examining his lavender vest that revealed his toned midriff and tight pants that carefully cradled every inch of skin that lay underneath. "Though I don't need it to see that, now..."

"What're you getting at?"

Bakura chuckled. "I can see your rainbow from a mile away."

"I have no rainbow!! I'm totally straight!"

"Right..." There was a twinge of skepticism in Bakura's voice.

"Why would you even need a gaydar?"

"Secretly, i'm very lonely..." Bakura crossed his arms and leaned against the wall behind him. "Now, who's this girl?" Sachi blushed lightly and looked down. "Well, don't be rude..."

"I-I'm Sachiko... Sachiko Kirani... I-but you can call me Sachi if you like!" Sachi had thought Bakura was rather cute.

"Sachiko..." Bakura smiled for the first time since he met Marik and Sachi. "That's a nice name."

Sachi blushed brighter at Bakura's smile. "I... Th-thank you..." She stood up, crossing her arms behind her back.

Bakura slowly approached Sachi, getting uncomfortably close. "I'm Bakura..."

Marik smirked. "We should totally team up!"

"I'm honestly a little against that..."

Sachi took a step back from Bakura. He was closer than she'd like, examining her carefully. "What... What're you doing, Bakura..?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. It's just that I think you're cute." Bakura smiled, his voice soft and innocent. His accent was also stronger. "Also, call me Ryou. Bakura sounds too formal for your voice."

Sachi giggled. "You're not too bad looking yourself, Ryou."

Bakura giggled for a moment before crying out in pain. Marik had taken his millennium rod and stabbed him in the arm. "You shouldn't switch personalities like that. You'll confuse her."

"MARIK, WHAT THE HELL!!!" Sachi shoved Marik aside and put her hand on Bakura's wound to slow the bleeding. She ripped off part of her shirt and tied it tight around Bakura's arm. "There you go." She leered at Marik. "WELL, DON'T JUST STAND THERE! HELP!!"

Marik opened his mouth to say something, but Ryou screaming in pain cut him off. "Oh, bloody hell!!"

Sachi jumped a little. "Ryou! Hang in there!"

Marik sighed. "Alright, lemme just..." He lifted Ryou onto his shoulder. "Alright... let's go..."

"Right..." Sachi helped Marik carry Ryou. They started walking down the alley, calling out for someone to help them.

The Heated Triangle (YGOTAS thiefshipping)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang