Ooooohh shiiii-

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Marik took a deep breath before walking towards Ryou. He was breathing deeply, keeping his eyes closed. It was all his fault that he was in the hospital. "I... Bakura..."

"What?" Bakura snapped at Marik. Ryou was gone for the time being.

"I... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... To..."

"Shut up. I don't need your sympathy..." Bakura opened his eyes and looked over at Sachi.

Marik shifted his gaze to her as well. "What happened with her?"

"I'm not sure. She saw the state of my arm and fainted."

"Oh. Right... I forgot she has a bit of an issue with blood."

"She faints?"

"Pretty much." Marik shifted his gaze back to Bakura. He saw the strong lines in his neck that appeared when he had his head turned toward Sachi. He seems fit for someone so... Frail...

"What're you staring at?" Bakura kept his gaze on Sachi. "You like what you see or something?"

"I-I don't... I'm not gay!! I told you, already!" Marik looked down at the floor, a gentle blush growing on his cheeks.

Bakura chuckled. "You keep telling yourself that." He turned his head back to its neutral position and sighed. "Could you get someone in here to check and see if I can get my next round of painkillers?"

"Yeah, sure." Marik slowly left the room. He closed the door behind him, sighing. He leaned against the door and slid down it until he sat in a tight fetal position on the floor. What am I doing..? Why can't I just tell him? He knows already, so it won't be a shock to him... But Sachiko... He stood back up and went to the nurses' station.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Sachi was finally starting to wake up. She groaned a little, sitting up. An image of the wound on Bakura's arm flashed in her mind, making her shudder. "Ryou..?"

Bakura sighed. "No... Just Bakura, I'm afraid..."

"Oh..." Sachi stood up, a little shaky at first, and made her way to Bakura's bedside. "How... How are you doing..?" She kept glancing back and forth between him and the floor.

"It hurts a little bit, but I'm not dead, so I guess I'm alright." Bakura sat up and tried to get Sachi to sit down. "Come on, now. You're pale. Sit."

"Alright, alright. Fine." Sachi let her knees buckle under her and flopped onto the chair behind her.

"There you go..." Bakura laid back and closed his eyes. "Are you feeling a little better?"

"I'm fine. I'm worried about you. I mean, Mari-"

"Don't worry about what happened. I'll be okay. It just has to heal up..." Bakura sighed angrily. "Where the hell is Marik?"

"He was here?" Anger grew in Sachi's voice. She couldn't stand even hearing his name, much less thinking about the fact that he was there.

"Yeah. He's getting someone to hopefully give me some more painkillers." Bakura took a deep breath. "I swear, he hit a nerve."

"I... I see..." Sachi was shaking, her hair gently flowing in a breeze that wasn't there.

"S-Sachiko..?" Bakura sat up, looking at Sachi with almost worried eyes.

Sachi took a deep breath. Her hair settled and she looked up at Bakura, smiling. Her cheeks were bright red and her eyes a bit teary. "I'm alright. Sorry to worry you."

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