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Your POV

You walked peacefully at the hall of your school until someone grabbed your arm and yanked it away.

"HEY!" you yelled at Woozi. Woozi is your best friend and he's really popular in the school because of his talents. He's kind, sweet and talented but also crazy once your close to him. "Why are we running for??"


"Silent treatment, Nice"

Woozi glared at you but the two of you kept on running.

"Tell meh!!" you pouted.

"Do you us to die!?" Woozi said.

"No (.-.)"

"Then we need to run before my fangirls kill us both!"

You looked back and your eyes widen. You saw a crowd of girls chasing the two of you so you pick up the phase and ran faster.

Woozi quickly pulled you inside the Janitor's closet. You locked the door and leaned against the door. You saw Woozi holding a mop, fully prepared just in case someone gets inside.

You smack his head.

"AW!" He yelped. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?"

"For using the front gate instead of the back gate" you glared at him.

"(O^O) But I want to see youuuuu!" he does an aegyo.

"Your aegyo won't work anymore" you said blushing a bit. Damn, he's cute.

"Are you mad?" he frowned.

"Isn't it obvious?" you asked. You rolled your eyes and went down the hall as Woozi clinged on your leg so you dragged your leg and him to reach the classroom.

As soon as you opened the door the whole class stared at the two of you until the whole class started to yell 'OTP' as Woozi's fangirls glared at you.

Woozi quickly stood up and brushed the dirt of his clothes. You sat at back and rested your head on the table as you covered your face. Your face is red like a tomato.

You felt presence at your side but you didn't care.

"(Y/n)~" Woozi cooed. "Sorry!" he hugged you making you blush harder. Ugh!! WHY DID I FELL INLOVE WITH WOOZI AGAIN!? STAHP YOU DAMN HEART.

The whole class started to cheer but suddenly stopped as your strict teacher walked in. You quickly straight up making you and Woozi's head hit hard.

"Ouch!" you and Woozi yelped causing the attention of your teacher.

"TWO OF YOU" she pointed the two of you. "OUT OF MY CLASS. NOW!"

You grumpily walked out with Woozi trailing behind. You sighed and went up the roof top to make yourself calm.

You enjoyed the view until...


"GAH!" you quickly hold onto the rail NG and spun to see Woozi leaning against you.

"are you mad at me?"


"Meet me at the music room after class. If you don't come, we're not best friends anymore" he said with a serious tone and walked away.

As soon as he walked out, you blushed madly.

***after class***

You went to the music room and the room is pitch black. Until someone pulled you inside and felt something soft pressed on your lips. You felt butterflies in your stomach until a spot light shone at you.

"WOOZI!?" you said in shock. "did you just-"

"yeah... Sorry, I just can't wait to kiss you" he said blushing making you blush too.

"why did you kissed me?" you asked.

"because... I love you, (Y/n)" He said.

"Woozi I..." you took a deep breath. "I love you too..."

He beamed.

"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) Shortie"


"just kidding ^^"


This is my first time writing a Seventeen Imagines so, sorry for the errors DX. Hope you enjoy this ^^

~ Lovestrucknotes

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