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Dedicated to:



I was sleeping peacefully until my mom threw my teddy bear at me to wake me up.

"The heck!?" I said and sat up.

"Jessica! What are you still sleeping!" my mom snapped. "Get your lazy butt of your bed and get a bath!"

"fine fine" I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom with my towel on my shoulder.

After I took a bath, I went downstairs and the smell of freshly cooked pancakes greeted me. I followed the smell and it came from the kitchen. I saw a stack of pancakes with chocolate chips and a cup of hot chocolate. I sat down and ate my pancake as I watch mom make her coffee.

She looked at me then crinkled her nose. What now?

"Jessica, what kind of clothing are you wearing?"

"It's called a T-shirt and jeans" I replied as I batted my eye lashes at her and she facepalmed.

"Go wear something else"


"It's horrible"

"I'm not going anywhere anyway" I replied and shoved another small piece of pancake on my mouth.

"Yes you are and your wearing that? Are you even a girl!?" She snapped.

"How am I supposed to know!?"

"Change your clothes" She said and I rolled my eyes then went upstairs to change. A few minutes I went downstairs and asked;

"Why do I need to change anyway?"

"Cause your going on a blind date~" She sing song and clapped her hands.

"WHAT THE HECK!? YOU SET ME UP ON A DATE WITH A GUY I DON'T EVEN KNOW!" I raised my voice on her. I don't care if she gets mad or What, I only car and it is myself.

"Jessica, don't yell at me. I set you up because I wanted you to find love!" she beamed and I once again rolled my eyes.

"mom that's not the point" I sighed. "You set me up with a guy that I don't know or I haven't met. Mom, what if the guy turns out to be a criminal or rapist!"

"Trust me on this one, Jessica. He is a kind boy and-"

Suddenly a car pulled up and I saw a guy came out. He's cute alright and he walk towards me then handed me a Nutella jar then a small spoon.

"I'll leave you two alone~" mom winked and I rolled my eyes. My attention turned back to my Nutella.

"OMG! NUTELLA!!" I almost drooled so I opened it and scoop a little then ate it.

"Hi, I'm Lee Seokmin but call me DK instead" he then flashed a goofy smile and reached out his hand so I gladly accept it.

"I'm Jessica" I replied.

"Let's go to the amusement park" DK suggested and I nodded.

~at the amusement park~

Me and DK are eating ice cream until he accidentally wiped his ice cream at my face.

"YAH!" I said and glared at DK.

"It was an accident!!!" DK ran away and I chased him. I grabbed him then stick my ice cream at his fore head.

"What the-"

"TRY TO CHASE ME DONKEY KONG!!" I flew away until I bumped into someone and her coke float fell.

"My coke float!" She faced me then shot me a glare. "Look what you've done you bish!"

"Whoa looks who's talking" I snapped.

"Calm down you two" DK bumped in and the girl jaw drop.


"Of course" He handed her a paper with his signature of his and the two of them take selfies.

"Also, who is this bish?" The girl rolled her eyes. I swear I'll add her on my Death Note.

"excuse me?"

"Oh, please don't be rude to her. She's my girlfriend" DK give me a small kiss on my lips and I stood there in shock.

"Oh umm.. Sorry!" The girl ran away and I walked away.

"Jess.. Jess! JESSICA!" DK followed me and he spun around.


"Jessica please I'm sorry"


"Talk to me please!"


"Please don't ignore me, Jagiya~" he said and I blushed madly. Did he just called me Jagiya?

"Fine fine" I rolled me eyes and he showed me his signature smile.

"Come on, let's go"

After a few hours the two of you decided to go home.

"Hey DK!" You called out.


"Thanks for the bear!" You said and he frowned a little.

"Oh.. Your welcome!" Wait, is he expecting something else? Wait, I get it!



"Umm.. The part when you called me Jagiya... Is it real?"

"Yep" I blushed madly.


"Anyways, good bye Jessica!"

"Bye!" I wave my hand as he drove off.

"LOVE IS IN THE AIR!" My mom screeched.

"Shut up mom" I rolled my eyes at her.


Took me enough XD I hope you enjoy this


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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