Keeen ya

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"Here you go sir," I set down two shots of Tequila down on the table. "Have a good night." I flashed him a fake smile.

"Thank you K- Keeen ya." The man slurred his words, reading my name off of the name tag pinned to my chest. He gulped down the first shot within a few seconds. He slapped a twenty on the counter and walked away.

I half of the money into the register and the other half into my tip jar, all the drunk assholes always over paid. My boss, Ace, just told me to keep some of the money after a while, so I did. This was such a shit job, but I make good money here adding all my tips together. I also loved to watch the dancers, they looked so happy while they were dancing on stage.

I wiped down the table and removed my name tag, unlocking the cabinet from under the bar I grabbed my purse and jacket. It was now 4 AM, time to go home. I watched the dancers finished up and waved to them, saying good bye. I put on my jacket and walked out of the club.

"Kenya, Hold on." I was halfway to my car when Ace called me back, I rolled my eyes harder than I ever have before. He caught up to me. "Do you think you can come in at 11 later today?"

I groaned. "Why? I thought Winnie worked at 11." I fished around in my purse for the keys to my car.

"Yes, she does but," He paused before continuing, I knew  he was about to say something that would upset me. "She quit today, before you came in. I need you to work both your hours and hers from now on until I find a replacement."

I gave him a look as if he was dumb.

"Ok, thank you." He ran back inside the club and I closed my eyes, I felt like kicking his ass. What type of dumb s- never mind.

I finally found my keys and I sat in my car before driving. I connected my phone to the aux and played Owe Me Something  by Joe Moses. I drove away from the club, making sure to stop by McDonalds before I went home. This breakfast all day really hit the spot.

My phone vibrated indicating that I had a text.

DeAndre- Where tf u at??!

I texted him back, saying that I was almost home. I pulled into the driveway of my home and finished my food before throwing it away, DeAndre hated seeing me eat fast food, he says I don't need to be eating like that. 

When I got in the house I set my keys on the table by the door and ran upstairs. I kicked off my shoes and stripped off my clothes, down to my bra and panties. I wrapped my hair and turned the shower on, I began to brush my teeth while I waited for the water to warm up a little. DeAndre leaned on the doorway, starring me down. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close to him. He let go and I finished brushing my teeth. I hopped in the shower and finally felt relaxed.

I put on an oversized t-shirt and a pair of panties and laid down in my bed, scrolling through instagram. DeAndre crawled in bed and laid behind me, wrapping his arms around me.


"Papers due on Tuesday; have a good day class." Mr. Reyes, my English professor stated. The class left but, my head was facedown in my book as I took a peaceful nap. "Kenya," He cooed. "Kenya."

I shot my head up and immediately felt disappointed. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Reyes, I was working late last night and- "

"It's fine Kenya, make sure you get some sleep tonight. You're paper is due on Tuesday." I nodded and wiped the drool from the corner of my mouth. I gathered all my things and left.

"I can't believe I let that happened." I said out loud to myself. I've never fell asleep in Mr. Reyes' class and I never planned on doing it. I headed home, deciding to start on this paper that was due next Tuesday. College and work was so stressful for me, now I have more hours at work to add to that.

I got about two pages done before 10PM, I had work in the next hour. I got ready for work, were the all black uniform that was required by Ace and waited for DeAndre. DeAndre was driving me to work today, I have no idea why he was. He parked in my usual spot at the club and turned the car off, looking over at me.

"Kenya," He called for me.


"I'm going out tonight, you think one of the girls can give you a ride home? Ima' be on tha otherside of town and ima' probally just spend the night out there." He said, not even bothering to ask me if I was okay with any of this.

"Oh sure. Bye, see ya later, Dre." I began to leave but I was immediately pulled back into the car, catching me by surprise. "Dre, let me the fuck go. I'm going to be late."

"Lose the fuckin' attitude, Kenya, or you ain't goin' any fuckin' where." I closed my eyes wanting to cry out of anger but I held back. "Now, give me a kiss." He left go of my wrist, expecting me to give him a kiss but I slammed the door in his face, heading into the club.

"Hey Kenya." Oscar, one of the security guards, smiled at me. The other security guard elbowed his arm. "How are you today?"

"I'm good, Oscar. And you?" I returned the smile. Oscar always says hello to me, he's had a little crush on me forever.

"I'm good." He let me into the club and the smell of hard liquor always surprised me.

Ace immediately rushed over to me as I was putting my stuff under the bar. "We got some top of the line people coming tonight in the VIP section, you're in charge of their section." I rolled my eyes, the guys in the VIP sections were always  assholes.

"What people?" I wiped down the bar and looked over at the closed off VIP section.

"Said his name was Michael Jordan." Ace shrugged. "Be nice."

Michael Jordan? Michael Jordan would never come here, so I guess this was going to be a good night. By 1AM the club was packed but, there was still no one in the VIP section. A group of men came in and finally sat in the VIP section, but none of them where Michael Jordan. One motioned for me to come over. I prepared myself before walking over there.

"Hi, how may I help you sir?" I looked around for Jordan but he was nowhere to be found, disappointing.

"Let me get a bottle of Ciroc and a tall glass of you, damn baby!" The man said and I scoffed.

"I need your name for the order of Ciroc and I need to see ID." I tapped my foot on the floor and he pulled out his ID, letting me know that he was older than 21. Ace required that I asked for ID.

"I'm Sterling, but everyone calls me Steelo. And you are?"

I pointed to my name tag and walked off, retrieving the Ciroc for Steelo. The group of men began to get rowdy, Steelo called for a Michael and I got a bit happy. I took the bottle of Ciroc over to the VIP section and handed it to Steelo. There was still no Jordan, even though he called for him.

"Kenya." I turned around, a man stood over me and I was taken back a little bit. "Do you mind getting me a bottle of Hennessey?"

"Sure, I need your name and ID." He was nice than the other guy. He pulled out his ID, handing it over to me.

"I'm Michael." I read over his ID, Michael B.  Jordan.

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