Heat Wave

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"The highs todays will be 105 degrees with a low of 98 degrees." The weather man spoke through the television. Kenya turned off the TV and scoffed.

"I can't believe it," Kenya laid on the floor, fanning herself with an unopened letter from the coffee table. "It hasn't been this hot all year!"

Khari cut his eyes at her, mad that she refused to turn on the AC. He begged but she refused. "Can you please just turn on the damn air conditioner?!"

She sat up on her elbows, just high enough to look Khari in his eyes. "No. Go to your own house and waste your own money," Kenya paused and laughed a little bit, she then laid on the floor and began fanning herself again. "I really do sound like mom."

"You know I can't go home, Sa'liyah's over there talkin' reckless." Khari said referring to his newest little friend, they weren't serious but she was crazy and always bothered him. A thought came to his mind as he spoke of her. "Actually go get ready, I'm going to take you somewhere." Khari slyly smirked.


"Just go get ready, it's a surprise."

"I don't like surprises."

"Kenya," Khari rolled his eyes. "Hurry up."

Kenya finally gave in and after a few minutes of struggling to get off the floor, she headed upstairs to get changed. She decided on a white sundress that reached just a little bit above her ankles but she tied the bottom of the dress so it reached mid thigh. She slipped on a simple pair of Birkenstocks and a purse to match.

As she put her hair into a high bun she yelled from the top of the staircase. "Where are we going?"

Khari replied by telling her to bring her bathing suit just in case. Kenya finished up her messy bun and stuff the black two piece into her purse and rushing back down stairs. Kenya and Khari piled into the car, Khari in the drivers seat and Kenya in the back seat as he suggested. Khari stopped at his house before they left to the 'surprise.'

"Ok, just wait here a second." Khari rushed into the house, leaving the car on with the cool air blasting. She skipped through a few songs on Khari's phone until she came across Teenage Love Affair, when she looked up Khari was arguing with a girl with her arms crossed over her chest as he locked the house. Both of them got into the car as they continued to argue.

"You just left me here at your house, by myself, what the hell?!" The girl rolled her eyes.

"I told you I'd be right back and lookey here," Khari shot his hands up. "I'm here aren't I?"

"What ever, you're always playing with me," The girl quickly turned around and looked over Kenya. "Oh, I didn't see you." She turned to Khari. "Who's she?" She spat.

"Sa'liyah, this is my sister, Kenya. Kenya, this is Sa'liyah." Khari introduced.

Kenya flashed her a fake, toothless smile. She shot back the same fake look and changed the song on Khari's phone.


Khari pulled into the drive way of a fancy house and stopped before the closed gate to punch in the code. The gate slowly opened and Khari quickly drove in, parking right in front of the grey house. Sa'liyah linked arms with Khari and smiled at the sight of the house.

"Who's house is this?" She asked with a big grin on her face.

"A friend's." Khari laughed and they all walked to the front door, Sa'liyah rung the doorbell and they waited patiently for the owner to open it.

A woman cocked her head to the side a bit, it was almost unnoticed. She looked confused. "Can I help you?" She spoke softly.

"Khari, Sa'liyah, and Kenya." Khari spoke up, pointing to each of them as he said their name. The woman kept the confused look on her face, then in an instant you could tell something clicked and she smiled widely.

"Oh, right! Come in, come in!" She said excitedly. "I'm Jamila, the older sister." Jamila gave each of them a welcoming hug and led them into the house. Kenya followed slowly behind Khari and Sa'liyah, looking at the pictures on the wall, she had no idea whos home she was in.

Another woman approached them with a familiar smile. She gave them a hug and introduced herself as Donna.

"You just can't stay away from me, can you?" A familiar voice boomed from behind me, I turned around to see none other than Steelo. "Hi, baby." Before I could react, he gave me a tight hug that lasted a few minutes, I tapped his back and he finally let me go. "What are you doing here?"

He linked my arms with his and let me to the back yard.

"I don't know, I was dragged here by my brother. He told me it was a surprise." Steelo nodded his head and opened the door, I was hit with the beautiful smell of barbeque. A tall man worked the grill with a pair of the traditional cook out sandals, I wouldn't eat the man food if he wasn't wearing them.

"Big Mike," Steelo called and the man spun around with a spatula in his hand. "This is Kenya, the woman I'm going to marry."

Kenya laughed. "No, no. Just Kenya."

"This boy is something, ain't he?" He laughed. "Big Mike, I'm Michael's dad. I've heard a lot about you and it is a pleasure."

Just then everything clicked and a wide smile appeared on Kenya's face. A pair of hands covered her eyes and Kenya spun around to see Michael smiling wide, showing his deep dimples. She immediately clung to his chest and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Finally you show up, you took forever."



"Are you going to get in?" I asked before going underwater again. Kenya slowly sat at the edge of the pool and put her legs into the water, she shook her head. Khari jump into the pool moments later with the girl jumping in after. "Why not, they got in."

Steelo sat down next to Kenya at the edge of the pool with his baby brother in his arms, she reached out for the baby and he went to her with no hesitation.

"Wow, how are you going to do your own brother like that?" Steelo fake cried as the baby laughed. Kenya adjusted the baby in her arms.

"I can't get in now, I have the baby."

I playfully rolled his eyes and moved so I was standing between Kenya's open legs, fitting perfectly between her thighs. I looked down at June, the baby, and stuck my tongue out, June did the same. After seeing June yawn, Steelo grabbed him and took him to their mother.

"You have no excuse now." I quickly wrapped my arms under Kenya to lift her up, she pleaded for me to let her down as her face lightly turned red. I carried her to where I could no longer walk and by now she was begging me not to let her go.

"Ok, we're done playing now." She tightly held onto me. "Don't let me go, Michael, I swear to God."

"I won't, I got you." I playfully laughed.


Cute little chapter, part two of this chapter coming soon.

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