Left Eye

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"No, I'm perfectly fine." I sighed into the phone. I looked through my blinds one more time, describing everything that had just happened. "He's just laying out there and he hasn't gotten up yet, I haven't even seen him move."

"Okay, don't move. I'll be over there in five minutes." My brother, Khari, said and then instantly hung up the phone.

I was getting worried, DeAndre has just been laying outside on the floor for ten minutes now. I didn't bother to go out the to see if he was okay because I didn't really care. I grabbed my  car keys and the house keys from his pockets and I've just been waiting in the house. I wasn't scared for DeAndre, I was scared for what he might try to do when he wakes up.

Within a few minutes, Khari pulled into my drive way and parked behind my white BMW. He came out of his car and looked over DeAndre, he chuckled and walked to the front door after locking his car. I immediately opened the door for him and quickly locked it after he walked in.  He gave me and hug a threw his stuff on my couch.

"Dude is out cold." Khari laughed and walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge. "I don't know why you're still with him, Ken." 

I sighed deeply and threw myself onto the couch. "Me neither." I said under my breath.

Khari came into the living room with a sandwich hanging from his mouth, I laughed at how quickly he got some food. I looked at the time, seeing it was nearly 4AM. Khari plopped down on the other couch and turned on the TV turning to Love Jones. Within a few minutes, my eyes became heavy and I was soon asleep.


A loud noise woke me from my peaceful sleep. I quickly opened my eyes to see Khari throwing down boxes from the loft upstairs. I rushed upstairs, noticing that Khari was filling the boxes with DeAndre's stuff. I shook off my thoughts and went into my bathroom to get ready.  

"What are you doing?" I pulled my grey hoodie over my head and watched as Khari filled more boxes.

"Getting rid of this bitch's stuff, he made it very clear how he felt about you last night. So I think it's time for him to go." I nodded my head. "He keyed your car."

My eyes widened and I rushed downstairs. I slipped on my slides by the door and ran outside, I instantly felt like crying. The damage that had been done to my car was heartbreaking and I became angry more than anything. My windshield was broken and 'bitch' was scribbled all around my car. Of course DeAndre was nowhere to be found.

I went back inside and grabbed the few boxes that Khari had packed and neatly placed them by the curb. One by one I stacked each of the boxes and contemplated if I should pull a Left Eye and burn all his stuff right now. My thoughts were interrupted by someone pulling into my driveway, I watched the car until it stopped.

Don't play with me appeared on my face as the person stepped out of the car.

"Are you moving?" My face immediately softened as I seen who it was, Michael approached me with two-dozen light pink roses.

"No," I collected my self before speaking again. "No, not me, just the bitch who used  to live here."

Michael nodded his head and handed me the flowers. "I just wanted to say sorry, you know, about last night. It wasn't my place to- "

"No. Thank you, you actually helped me. I should've left him a long time ago." I examined the flowers and a smile appeared on my face. "Do you want to come inside? I'm about to make breakfast, if you want some."

"Sure." Michael looked around and his eyes landed on my car. A small frown appeared on his face. "What happened to your car?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, Michael got the hint that I didn't want to talk about it and chuckled. I walked back to the house as Michael followed behind me. I placed the flowers on the counter and grabbed pancake mix from the pantry.

"So are you okay, Kenya?" Michael looked around my house before sitting down at the table watching me. I flashed him a smile, I was not ok but I wasn't going to let anyone know that.

"I'm fine." I mixed the pancake mix and turned on the stove. Khari came downstairs taking a notice to Michael, Khari looked him over then looked at me. "Oh. Khari, that's Michael. Michael that my brother Khari."

Khari started busting up laughing and Mike gave him a confused look. Khari collected himself and shook Michael's hand. "You the one that knocked out DeAndre."

Michael joined in on the laughter and I looked at both of them as if they were crazy. "Yea," Mike rubbed the back of his head. "How is he? I'm sorry about that, Kenya."

"He was out cold for a few hours, woke up and keyed her car and dipped. We haven't seen him since, I'm waiting for his ass to come back around." Khari explained and grabbed a strawberry from the package, plopping it into his mouth. 

"Oh wow, I'm sorry."

"Stop saying sorry." I muttered. "It's not your fault, I always choose the wrong guys."

Michael looked me over and a feeling of insecurity filled my body. I turned back to the pancakes as I felt my face turning bright red from embarrassment. I stacked the pancakes on a plate and continued cooking the rest of the food.

"How did he get with you?" Michael asked, I didn't bother to turn around because I felt like he was judging me. Khari scoffed, he hated the story of how we got together.

"Well uh," I turned around to face Michael. "When we met my freshman year of high school, he was a senior and I was the dumb freshman that thought I was cool for dating an older guy." I paused while I mixed the grits. "I had never had a boyfriend before him, hell I'd never had any male attention before him. He started talking to me, telling me how I was so beautiful and all the things he would love to do to me. When we got together everyone always told us how cute we were and they called us the power couple and we were the faces of everyone's relationship goals. But, when I graduated I realized that he was using me and I wanted to break up with him but he told me I was nothing before him and I will be nothing without him."

Michael nodded his head and I handed him a plate full of food, then a plate to Khari.

"I'm so dumb now that I think about it because I actually believed him. He started hitting me and I thought I was the one doing something wrong, I wanted to leave so that's exactly what I did. I moved from Florida to Los Angles but he followed me so I decided to just suck it up and stay with him."

"You're not dumb, you were young and in love. I know the feeling. I respect you for being able to leave him now." Michael finished up his food and took his plate to the sink. After he finished washing it he motioned for me to follow him outside. I followed him out to his car and leaned on the passenger side.

He grabbed my phone from my hand and added himself as a contact.

"Call me if he comes back." Michael handed my phone back to me after texting himself. "I'll see you later, Kenya." He grabbed my hand and kissed it, then drove off.

My heart skipped another beat and I caught my breath as I watched him drive away. I went back into the house, sitting next to Khari as I began to eat.

"I can't believe you didn't burn his shit." Khari blurted out and we both began laughing.


Kenya and Khari in the mm.

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