The Envelope

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"Kenya," He cooed, trying to wake me up out of my sleep. "Kenya, we're here."

He lightly shook me until my eyes fluttered open, I looked around my surrounding then back at Michael. I remember him picking me up from work but I didn't realize that I fell asleep in the car. I yawned and stretched, trying to remember if what happened was real life or a dream.

Michael got out of the car and opened my door, he handed me the keys to my car and walked me to my doorstep. I gave him a hug before he headed to his car.

"Hey, Michael," I called for him and he turned around. I contemplated on asking him if what just happened was a dream or not, it felt so real. "Never mind, thanks again and good night."

He smiled, showing his deep dimples. "Good night, Kenya."

I turned around to my door before he could see me blushing. I reached into the pocket of my jacket for my house keys and felt an envelope and face turned. I opened my front door and locked it behind me, Khari was sitting on the couch watching cartoons. I sat down on the couch and pulled the envelope from my pocket.

It was the plain envelope that Ace tried to give to me earlier, I had no idea how it ended up in my pocket.

"What's that?" Khari spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Something Ace gave to me earlier, he said it's from Dad." I examined the evelope and tossed it onto the coffee table, deciding that I was not going to open it.

"He's still trying to get in touch with you?" Khaki snatched the envelope from the counter and held it up to the light.

"Mhm." I starred at the TV.

"Yaya, hand me that will you?" My dad asked referring to the beige baggie on the table. I nodded my headed and raced over to the baggie, picking it up with two hand and making sure to be very careful not to drop it. I handed it to him and he sat me on his lap as I watched him put something white on a metal tray.

"What's that?" I watched with curious eyes as he took a little bit more and added it to the tray.

He was hesitant before speaking. "Candy."

"Can I have some?" I asked excitedly, before waiting for a reply I dug one of my small fingers into the powder. Before I was able to put it into my mouth, he stopped me.

"No, no, no." He grabbed me roughly, shaking me with every word he spoke. "This candy is for grown ups, don't touch this ever again."

The tears built up in my eyes and quickly began to run down my face. He stopped and forcefully pushed me down, sending me to the ground hard. He paid no attention to me and went on with his business. I stayed on the floor until Khari came and picked me from the ground but not before saying some bad words to our dad, they argued for a long time while I waited in Khari's room.

Khari stormed into the room and slammed the door loudly behind him. He looked rough, his shirt was ripped and his face had a big red mark on it. He handed me a backpack full of clothes and packed a backpack for himself before changing into another shirt.

He put a pair of shoes on me and picked me up and held me on his side, I laid my head on his shoulder and stuck my thumb into my mouth. He slowly walked out of the house as our dad called for me, Khari covered my ears and kept going.

"Where we going?" I asked, sticking my thumb back into my mouth after.

"Were going to play hide-and-seek for a little bit, ok?"

Khari must've walked forever because it was still light out when we left the house  but it was dark when we reached another house. Khari rung the doorbell and we waited for someone to open it. A man in a velvet robe opened the door and looked us over.

"Fuck y'all want?" The man spoke.

Khari looked over the man before speaking. "We're Tanya's kids. We need help."


this I really just a short filler chapter to let you guys know a little more about Kenya's dad, believe me there's going to be a lot of crazy stuff happening. another chapter is coming soon. comment and like! gracias! love y'all 😘 

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