Keep Your Head Up

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"You need to get done, done, done, done at work, come over. We just need to slow the motion. Don't give that away to no one. Long distance, I need you. When I see potential I just gotta see it through. If you had a twin, I would still choose you. I don't wanna rush into it, if it's too soon. But I know you need to get done, done, done, done." I rapped along to Drake's part in Work lowly under my breath as I polished the glasses at the bar.

Jeremiah watched my every move out of the corner of his eye. It's been a week since DeAndre and I have been done with and Jeremiah has been keeping a very close eye on me, reporting everything back to DeAndre.

"Kenya," Jeremiah called my name and I scoffed, walking away from him. He forcefully grabbed my arm and pulled me back to my original spot. "DeAndre said he's sorry an' he wants ta' talk."

"That's nice." I said simply. I yanked my arm from his grasp and looked him up and down before leaving the bar. I didn't want to be near him so I went to clean the tables in the club.

It wasn't very bust tonight, there were just the few usual people and some visiting guests making a total of about forty people at the most. I began to wipe down each table one by one, singing along to a few of the songs that the DJ played.

After I finished cleaning I gathered my things and sat at a table near the dancers, watching them as I texted Khari to pick me up. After DeAndre keyed my car I had to get it fixed ASAP, no rocky, so I have been car-less for a little while now. That day when Michael seen my car he insisted that he pay for everything because he felt like it was his fault and he wouldn't take no for an answer.

My phone vibrated indicating that I had received a text.

Khari-- mike said ur car is ready so he's gonna pick u up -2:30am

As I looked at the text my cheeks began to burn. I've developed a little crush on Michael since we've been texting on and off. I lightly smiled to myself and set down my phone waiting for Michael to tell me when he gets here.

I turned my attention back to the dancers as they danced to Back to Sleep by Chris Brown, I sang along because this was another one of my favorite songs. Ace approached and sat down next to me turning his attention to me.

"Here, Kenya." Ace slid a plain white envelope across the table to me and I looked down at it before looking back up at him. He didn't make eye contact with me, he just kept his eyes straight ahead toward the dancers.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Just something your dad told me to give to you." My phone vibrated on the table and Michael's name appeared on the lockscreen.

"I don't want anything from him." I shook my head, sliding the envelope back to him. I looked at the message from Michael and got up from my chair, the envelope laid on the table. "I have to go. When you talk to him again, tell him that I don't need anything from him." I said and confidently walked out of the club.

"Have a good night, Kenya, I'll see you tomorrow." Oscar said with a warm smile on his face as he held the door open for me.

"Good night, Oscar." I said returning the smile.

Jamie, the other security guard that always worked with Oscar, nudged him and laughed. "You have no chance." He said under his breath to Oscar.


Michael stood by my new and improved BMW and a big smile appeared on my face, my baby was back to normal. I looked over Bishop, my car, and I felt complete. I gave Michael a hug and he opened the passenger door for me. I sat in the car, waiting a few seconds before he got in the drivers seat himself.

He smiled widely, his deep dimples becoming visible on his smooth skin. "So, are you hungry?"

I nodded my head, his smile always seem to leave me speechless every time. I could feel myself blushing so I turned to look out of the window as he drove off.

I began to doze off in the car until I felt the car come to a stop.

When I opened my eyes I seen we were at Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles, one of my favorite restaurants in LA. Michael opened my door for me and I followed him inside and we were immediately seated. I sat across from Michael and looked him over as he looked over the menu.

"Thank you." I said in almost a whisper, I was surprised to find out the he heard me. He looked over his menu at me, raising his eyebrow.

"For what?"

"Getting my car fixed, getting rid of DeAndre for a while, and taking me to my favorite place." I looked down, tracing the wood pattern on the table.

"It's no problem." Michael said and I could feel him looking me over and that feeling of insecurity came over me again. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" I asked curiously.

"Keep your head low, like you aren't confident." He placed his hand under my chin and put my head up and our eyes locked. "Keep your head up." He said in almost a whisper. I starred at him for what seemed to be like forever, our server came to out table, pulling me immediately out of my trance.

"Hello, I'm Kaylee and I'll be your server today, are you ready to order?" She looked over both myself and Michael, waiting for one of to speak up. Michael quickly looked away from me.

"Can I have a sweet tea and the Obama special with a side of mac and cheese." Michael ordered.

The lady write down the order and turned to me. "And for you, Sweetie?"

"A water and the Obama special with a side of corn bread." The lady wrote down the order and nodded before walking off. She returned with our drinks and set them down on the table. Michael began to pour more sugar into his drink before taking a drink himself.

"Can I ask you something?" I blurted out.

"Go for it." Michael gave me his full attention.

"Uh okay," I gulped before speaking again. "What are you trying to do?"

A sly smirk appeared on Michael's face as he ran his hand over the top of his head, he leaned in and motioned for me to lean in as well.


Keep liking and commenting! Thank you to everyone who likes this story so far!

(This chapter is for Tionie.)

What do you think was in the envelop?

Why do you think Kenya wants nothing to do with her dad?

Oh and I've been really craving some Roscoe's so I had to put in in the story lol.

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