October 31, 2013.

28 1 0

October 31st 2013

9:30 PM

Aiden's House

The bass was thumping, I could barely think straight with the music blaring into my head.

Go to a Party they said, It would be fun they said. Pft, Liars. Here I am, In a stupid nurse dress, a very revealing one at that. I mean i look good, but then again, nobody knows who I am.

I went to this party with my best friend, but she is off with her SM. Which means her Soul Mate, but i don't want to get into that right now.

Let's talk about this party that i am currently at. It's Halloween so obviously everyone is dressed up. Girls looking like sluts (But is acceptable, as it is Halloween) and guys looking at the girls dressed like sluts. Like no joke, I have had at least five guys grope me and it's only been ten minutes.

I have a red cup in my hand filled with who-knows-what it is. All I know is that it will make me loosen up a little, which I hope it does. Because according to Alyssah, my best friend, I act like I have a pole 10 feet up my ass.

~30 Minutes Later~

Thump Thump Thump.

All I feel is the base ripping through my body as I danced in the middle of the floor, grinding on some random guy I know I won't remember in the morning. The only other thing I feel is the extreme buzz of whatever alcohol i drank four cups of.

Then all of a sudden, everything stops. Then I feel tingles all the way up my spine and into my right shoulder, right where the Tribe symbol is.

All I know at that moment is,

My Soul Mate is near.

A/N Hello people, i am so terribly sorry that I have not updated. And i feel horrible. but from now on it will be updated at least twice a week. well i am going to go write the other chapters in advance so i will see you all later.Tata!~


The Girl ForgottenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora