4. Waking up.

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October 31st, 2015

Rome, Italy.

10:00 PM

Thud. Thud. Thud.

I don't know how long I've been running, all I know is that I can't go back there. Not after what I did.

I did too many bad things to go back there. I would be killed if I went back. I guess I should tell you the whole story until now, when I stopped running and dared to face the music.

Two Years Prior...


I sit up pin straight, straining my enhanced hearing as far as I can. I hear nothing, but hat doesn't mean that someone isn't here.

I slowly get up out of the motel bed I had rented for the night. When I had woken up after that night, I found so much blood on my hands. It wasn't visible, but I knew it was there, taunting me about things I don't want to remember. That night where I snapped, October 31st, 2013.

Everything starts to come back to me, everything that was stored painfully in the back of my mind, Came up front in a series of pictures, a miniature movie I didn't want to see.

Red. Blood. Screaming.

Flashes of darkness came and took my vision, showing me the torture I had put them through. I didn't want to, I wanted to stop. But I couldn't, even if I tried and tried and tried, nothing worked. She wouldn't go away.

The one person, no, the one thing I couldn't get rid of. My Ένα εσωτερικό. Inner One. It made me do so many things that wouldn't be frowned upon, I would be killed on sight. But they couldn't kill me, I've tried to, but the other thing inside of me, threw up the pills, rejected the bullet, or healed any cut I made.

I start to come back to reality and look around, everything's is either on the floor shattered, or floating in the air. I lost control again, Dammit! I can't do anything right in this damn world!

I have to leave, I feel people starting to question me. I have not even been here that long.

I start to pack up everything, leaving no trace I was ever there. I go down the stairs, only to run into the lady that owns the building I was staying in, She was so nice to me. I start to feel bad, but remind myself that people have done worse.

'Yeah right' She sneers 'What about all the things I did, or should I say we did' She-It starts to crack up as if the funniest joke was told.

I start to talk to the nice lady,

"Um, Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for the free room ma'am." I say stiffly, still reliving the nightmares.

"Oh sweet girl, It's alright. May I ask where you are going?" She says, noticing my stiff state.

"Just travelling new places, I want to see the world before settling down in one place." I smile, trying to relax to reassure the woman.

"Oh, okay dear. Just come back one day so I can see how you're doing." She says with a knowing gleam in her eyes.

"Thank you ma'am, I will try." Actually relaxing in her presence, surprising me greatly.

I turn to leave but she calls out to me, not verbally, but with her soul, into my head.

'I will see you soon, child'

I turn around quickly to say something, but only to find nobody there. But some mist in her place. I look around, twisting and turning to see if anything else was there but found nothing.

What the hell is happening.

Hello readers! if you are there. sorry for the wait. i hope you still read this story! ill see you later, well you'll read this later, ah shit nevermind. buh-bye!

~airi <3

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