6. Found.

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      I push through people to get outside, people curse at me and a few try to shove me back but i'm too far ahead to get delayed.  I know he is here, I can feel it in my tribal mark. 

As I'm running away I hear him trying to get through people to get to me. I need to keep running, I can't let him get to me. I can't get caught now, not after so long and so much hard work.  I can feel him gaining on me, he's only a couple feet away. I can hear his footfalls. It's like my heart is in tune with my feet, pounding against the floor as my heart is beating against my chest. 

As I was nearing the doors to leave the airport, my instincts kick in, but I wasn't quick enough to move and I was tackled to the ground. I start thrashing but to no avail, I couldn't get free. 

I hear him trying to speak to me, but it's drowned out by my head screaming at me to get away, to do something.

"Please!" He yells, "I won't hurt you! I just want to talk to you!" He keeps me pinned to the ground while I try relentlessly to get away.

"No! You will just turn me in!" I yell at him while still struggling.

He stills for a second then a rumble comes out of his chest that resembled a growl. He pulls me towards his chest while still rumbling.

"I would never do that to you." He says while continuously rumbling. "I couldn't do that to you or myself. I would die if something happened to you."

It was just then that I noticed everybody watching us and tensed. He noticed this and picked me up and held me by the hand and led out the doors to somewhere less crowded. He pulled me into a hug, but I didn't know that was going to happen so I froze and let him talk.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to do this since we met," He says with a slight crack in his voice.

I tensed up even more as he said this, but out of anger. I pushed him away, or at least tried to. He understood to let go and I took a couple steps back away from him. 

"Really? Since we met? I'm sorry but who was the one about to screw another girl when you knew I was there?" I said with anger radiating from me. 

He seemed to feel guilt at that, as he did know I was there. The more dominant one in the mating pair, whoever is in the bond, knows if their mate is near them. 

"I knew you were there, But I've been waiting for so long for someone to cherish and love, I tried to ignore it," He kept holding me and I swear that he is crying or at least trying not to. 

"But why didn't you try? You didn't care!" I yelled at him, pushing the stinging in my eyes away. 

"I did try I've been running after you for the past two and a half years!" He yelled, then he stopped yelling, "Whenever I get near you, I lose you. You keep running away then I can't find you for another few weeks." His breathing started to turn ragged while his hold on me tightened to a point that if he held me any tighter it would be painful.  

"I'm sorry," I try not to hug him back but I can't help it, hes my Taipi, my soul mate,so all i can do is hug him back timidly.  

"Let's head to a hotel for the night," He says to me lowly, trying not to attract anymore human attention.

I start to freak out, and try to think of an escape route. He catches on and holds m tight to his chest.

"No, you are not getting away this time, I will not lose you again," He growls this out in a deep voice like before. I don't know if he's apart of my kind, there is no way to tell until you see a tribal mark.

All I can do is stay quiet and try to at least remember the way back to town, if i need to make a break for it.

~ One hour Later ~ 

"Come on princess, wake up," I hear a soothing voice in my ear that makes me want to fall back asleep rather than wake up. I start to feel someone shaking me and i start to come out of my comatose like state. 

"Princess we really got to check into the hotel," I come into full awareness   of my surroundings and sit up fast almost mashing my head with his. His.  I really need to find out his name before i go crazy. 

He helps me out of the car and onto my feet and we walk into the hotel. We go up to the front desk and he says something and the lady goes on the computer.

"Okay Mr. Hayden, I have a room for you and your girlfriend, a suite with a king size. The room number is 254, have a nice stay." The receptionist says with a smile. I go to say that he- Mr. Hayden is not my boyfriend but he stops me. 

"Thank you, let's go honey," He smiles at the receptionist, and I fleetingly have the urge to rip the woman's head off. I shake it off and also smile at her.  He starts to take us to the elevator and presses the third floor button. 

We exit the elevator and go to our room and he shuts the door behind him. I go and stand by the window, watching the cars go by. He sits on the bed and I feel him watching me until I ask the question. 

"What is your first name, Mr. Hayden?" I see him smile and close his eyes from me saying his name. 

"My name is James , Princess." He smiles at me and i find it rather attractive.  The i realize what he called me.

"My name is not Princess, James," I start and glare at him a bit, "It's Alessa," I keep glaring at him, trying to keep up a tough facade while trying not to jump at him and maim him.  I see James shiver when i say his name and he closes his eyes again briefly. 

"Princess, I suggest you not say my name like that or this bed will be used for something other than sleeping," He growls out. Again with the growl, he is not an animal as far as i know. My people are  known not to have mates of the same species, and have others like humans or faeries or even witches. 

"Well then I would suggest getting another room for you or just sleep on the couch because i am not sleeping on the same bed with you," I say this while looking out of the window again, now watching a happy couple walking hand in hand. 

I feel him come up behind me and spin me around holding my arms,

"I'm afraid that can't happen Princess, I just got you and now i will spend all of my time with you, and if that includes holding while you sleep, then so be it," He says this while staring into my gray eyes with his amber ones. His eyes. His eyes are a mix between an amber and a green.

I give up staring into his eyes and stare at the wall behind him. I start to wonder what it would be like to live with him as his mate and having family together, But the only way to find out about that is to trust him but how can i do that.

I guess we'll just see in time.

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