5. Gone.

22 1 1


I turn to leave but she calls out to me, not verbally, but with her soul, into my head.

'I will see you soon, child'

I turn around quickly to say something, but only to find nobody there. But some mist in her place. I look around, twisting and turning to see if anything else was there but found nothing.

What the hell is happening.


Saturday, November 2nd, 2013

On Plane to Kraków, Poland.

8:10 PM

I feel a shaking in my shoulder, sitting up straight and preparing to attack someone, only to find that the stewardess trying to wake me up.

"Excuse me Miss, the plane will be landing in about fifteen minutes." The nice stewardess says, with a surprisingly genuine warm smile

I could only nod in reply, as I was too busy trying to wake up and not kill the kid kicking on my seat. Damn, this kid has a lot of energy, he's been kicking my seat for the last two hours. Luckily, I was able to sleep the last hour of the flight so I wasn't delirious.

I start to get up but stop once I feel a tingling going up my shoulder to my Tribe symbol, immediately I know that something bad is going to happen.

Danger is never good when I am in one place. But I just got here?

Which the tingling can only mean one thing. My Soul Mate.

I get up and walk out of the plane, receiving the same genuine smile from the stewardess. I walk off the steps getting off the plane and go into the airport.

Having already gotten my bags at baggage claim, I walk past everybody, trying not to touch anybody on the way. Ever since that night, I try not to touch anybody in fear of snapping and hurting the person I intentionally or accidentally touch.

It has happened before. I killed somebody that way.

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