Night sky

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Have you ever wished that you were a star? No, not the Hollywood type, just a star. You wouldn't have to notice anything that you didn't want to, or see anything horrible or gruesome. You could be yourself and stay in your own little world until hell froze over and no one would get upset. As I look into the deep blue hues of the darkening night, this is all I want. To be just a star.

"But Luce I just don't see how he always gets everything right!"

"Well he does have some skill. But look on the bright side..."

"What bright side?!?!?"

"Would you let me finish? At least he turns your mom's attention away from you."

"Yeah, whatever, Lucy."

"Well, you know I'm right."

"Of course. You always are."

My best friend Lucy and I were wandering down the long road to school, the same route as we've taken every day since 6th grade. As we walked we chatted about everything, from my over achieving brother to the hottest bands to date. As we left the leaf covered path, a ruby red convertible comes racing around the bend. I leap backwords as the cars whizzes past us.

"Hahahaha!!! Losers!"

I was almost spouting smoke from my ears! Lucy had the same look of bewilderment plastered on her face as I had been sporting just a moment before. We both knew who that was. Elizabeth Jennings, head cheerleader along with her posey of fellow she-devil cheerleaders.

"Ugh she makes me so angry! Why does she always have to mess with us! Whether it's just humiliating us in public, or just plotting to kill us, it's just not necessary!"

"You know, she only does it because she's jealous."

"Well if that's the case, then what is she jealous of? Hmm? We are nobodies!"

" We're smarter than her and her bitches."


But I never got to finish my sentence. Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder. I whipped around to face them with and intensity that wouldn't even scare a fly.

"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down! I just wanted to see if you two were okay. I saw what just happened and from what I know, that girl needs to slow down."

Wait, did this majorly handsome stranger just say that he cared about what had happened to us? No one cares about us. I turned to look at Lucy, expecting that she had the same thoughts as I had. But, apparently not, because she just continued on with the conversation.

"Oh yeah,we're fine. Hey, i' m Lucy, and this is Katrina."

"Hi" I barely managed to croak out. This guy was gorgeous his eyes were so blue I swear I could see the ocean in them.

"It's nice to meet you two, I figured that I would never know anyone here. I'm Jack. I just moved here from Russia."

"What!? Russia?!" I gushed, " That is so cool! Wait, you don't sound Russian."

I knew I was babbling but I couldn't help myself. No boy that cute had ever approached Lucy and I before.

But he didn't seem to notice,

" Yeah I'm not actually Russian, but my parents wanted to travel the world and I had to go with them."

Lucy was about to comment when we noticed that the woods had gotten awfully loud with the sound of teenage chatter. No wonder we had reached the school. No sooner had that happened when Felicity and Hope Gainer, two of Elizabeth's bitches trotted over, gave us the birdie and dragged Jack away.

"Hey!!! I'm Felicity! I am so excited to meet you!"

"Oh don't let her take the spotlight, I'm the one you should be talking to! I'm Hope."

As the two sisters began to talk Jack's ear off, he turned around and gave us a shrug as if to say, what else can I do? Then waved and continued up the buzzing school steps.

" Well I knew that wouldn't last long."

Night skyWhere stories live. Discover now