Chapter 5

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Katrina's POV

Ahhh I thought, David was finally in bed. Now I could lay back and relax. I wandered to the bathroom and started pouring a warm bath. As I pulled my self in, the warm water lulled my aching muscles and calmed my rapid thoughts. I stared out the window above the tub. Ever since I was young, I've had a fascination with the night sky. Just the thought of stars whizzing around was enough for me. I often wished that could be a star, just so I could stay in my own little world forever. Oh well, I pushed myself out of the bath and grabbed a towel. Then I trotted to my room and passed out on my bed.

The next day I woke up to my alarm, still wrapped up in my towel. I was late already! I rushed to get ready, I pulled on a white lacy blouse and a pair of jeans, then I rushed down the stairs grabbed my bag threw on some ballet flats and rushed out the door screaming,

"Bye Ma!" I ran down my driveway, only to run smack dab into Jack and Lucy.

"Hey whoa!" he said laughing.

"Hi, sorry bout that!"

"It's all good." we started walking through all of the fallen leafs

"Hey Kat, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house after school to work on some homework."

"I can't come, I have piano lessons." Lucy interjected sadly.

"Sure. David is over at a friend's house, so I'm free."

"Great, I'll wait for you at our normal spot?"

"Sounds good." I answered. By this time I was giddy.

Jacks POV

Yes! She could come. Now, I just had to last through a full day of classes. But luckily, my day was undisturbed by the cheerleaders since their leader was no where to be found. After all my classes I rushed out of the school to meet Kat. She's right where she promised to meet me. She noticed me and waved,I walked up to her.

"You ready to get goin?"

" Yeah, I'm ready but I finished all my homework in study hall."

"So didn't I. We can just hangout then."

"Sounds good to me." she smiled. We made it to my house in record time and we went in.

"Can I use the bathroom?"

"Course. It's the third door on the left. After come on up to my room, it's the first door at the top of the stairs."

"Kay, thanks!" I headed up to my room to clean up the dirty laundry strewn all over. Then I sat down on my bed. When Kat came back she smiled at me, but her smile didn't last long. Soon she was flying at me. I took me only a second to process what was happening. I must have left my skateboard right near the door, she slipped on it, and was now sailing at me with an alarming speed. I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me in order to stop her from falling head over heels. After watching the skateboard responsible for her tumble crash into the wall, I looked up. Her arms were thrown around my neck sloppily, and her face was only mere inches from mine. So I took the opportunity to do what I had wanted to do from the very beginning. I brushed her hair that was in my way and leaned in. Her lips were a perfect fit. Without knowing what I was doing, I pulled her petite body on top of mine, just to keep the kiss going. Her finger tangled in my hair and I let out a dull moan. I just couldn't help myself,I had felt this good in such a long time. She pushed away from me and I knew why. I had gone too far.

"Whoa." I whispered

"Yeah..." she agreed. I just wish it could've lasted longer.



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