Chapter 2

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So thanks to anyone who has read my story so far it means a lot to me! I have no clue how you found my little story, but I'm glad you did!!

I don't know if you can see it but that -----------------> is a picture of Hailee Steinfeld... Or in my story, Katrina


Lucy and I ran up the steps, we were late but it wasn't like anyone would care, all the teacher loved us and none of the other students noticed enough to care. Oh well we stopped at our lockers to grab our books, then ran off to our first class of the day. Mine being math. Oh how I hate math! Ugh, why couldn't numbers and letters stay with their own subjects? Oh, and to make it worse, all of the she-devils were in the same class as me.

"Okay we're going back to 8th grade math here, but apparently Miss Jennings can't understand why x is equal to 17."

Of course she can't, she obviously has brain damage from all those cheerleading lifts, that or she was dropped on her head when she was young. Thought with a snicker. Elizabeth whipped around and gave me look that could kill and I snickered even more.

"Ok can anyone tell me why x equals 17? Anyone at all?"

No one raised their hands or even looked up from the open notebooks they were doodling in at the time.

"People, people, people! We need to try harder, that is unless all of you want to come back to this class next summer..."

Right then, the bell rang and everyone rushed out of their seat to clamber over to their best friends to discuss plans for the weekend.

" Everyone you need your books tomorrow! I will give detention if you don't have it!!"

Of course no one was listening though. After math I had science then history. After words I had gym. I was fine at gym it's not like I always enjoyed it but I was good at it. And today we were doing volleyball . To put it simply, I hate volleyball. I was one of those kids who however hard they tried not to get hit, I'd always endue with a black eye or a bloody nose. So today I sat to the side on the bleachers. Just watching everyone have their fun made me jealous. I had always counted on this jealousy for the greatest comebacks. I smiled as I pondered why that was, when someone plopped down next to me. Expecting a cheerleader ready to attack me with words, I nervously looked over. But I was nervous for nothing it was Jack the cute nice boy from before.

"Hey you're Katrina right? I noticed you sitting all alone and figured I'd come and say hi. So hi!"

"Jack, hey I'm sorry about the glitter twins, they do that to every new guy, especially if they are as handsome as you."

" Hey thanks." he didn't even skip a beat. " They seem pretty nice but they have some pretty big opinions on you and Lucy."

"Yeah everyone does. For us being nobodies we are pretty discussed." I laughed.

" You aren't a nobody I think you're a somebody, and so doesn't Lucy." I could see why every one liked him.

"Well I guess you're right, but I'm still a nobody."

"Whatever you say." he raised his hands in defeat, " But hey, I was wondering if I could join you two at lunch next period."

" Wait I guessed that the cheerleaders would be begging you to sit with them,right?"

He smiled sheepishly, "Well the fact that I told the twins that you were my friend when they were talking about you sort of killed that plan. But I was already planning on asking to sit with you guys anyways."

I told him that of course he could sit with us. The bell rung and I was left to brave the girls locker room by myself. I was left with the promise of meeting him outside of the cafe in 10 minutes.


Okay everyone (everyone being about 15 kind people) if you wanna help me out and give me feedback, that'd be amazing! Like what do you think of Kat, Jack, Lucy, Elizabeth, or The glitter twins? What do you think of the plot? Anything that you don't understand? Anything, good or bad is welcome! Thanks again to all of the people who have read so far! I love you all!! <3 kitteh_kat722

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