Chapter 4

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Jack's POV

I bounded up the steps to our new house. I could hear the muffled jingling of a ring of keys coming from inside my bag. Ugh, I thought, I wasn't up to this today. But, I ripped off my bag and tore through it desperately searching for those annoying little keys. Then I felt something metallic slide through my fingers. Finally! As I push the key into the lock I heard the familiar click of the lock sliding out of my way.

"Hello?" I call but of course no one's there to respond. But I'm okay with that because I just want to be alone to think before all of the motherly questions are thrown my way. Just as I step in I hear the frantic click of nail rushing my way.

"Taylor, Rem! Hi you guys." my dogs ears perk up as I say their names. With some dogs, everything is a game and they always want to play. This isn't the case with my dogs. It's like they feed off your mood to determine how they should act around you. As I ran my hands through their soft fur, I began to "contemplate my life" as my mom says. Speaking of mom, the first question she'd ask was whether I made any new friends. I mean I did, but it would be nice to say that not all of them were girls. Those cheerleaders wouldn't even let me out of their sight.

"I swore I saw one hiding behind a hedge!" I exclaimed to the dogs.

"Who?" I whipped around.

"Oh, hi mom." I murmured, "No one, no one at all."

" Okay. So how was your day?" Okay I was wrong, the first words weren't "Did you make any friends?" So sue me.


"Any new friends?"

"Yeah, some."

"Well that's good!" she sighed with relief.

"Well thanks!" I replied sarcastically. Sarcasm is usually one of my favorite weapons, not around my mom though. She just doesn't understand it.

"You're welcome sweetie." she responded with a slight smile. " So, any homework?" "I have a lot."

"You better get started then."

"Yup. I'll do it in my room." and with that, I ran to the kitchen grabbed a soda then quickly climbed the stairs to my attic bedroom. I really didn't have any homework, so I felt bad about lying to mom. But, the thing is, if I told her I wanted to be alone, she wouldn't understand. Just then my phone vibrated against my hip. I reached for it.

"One new text" the screen read. It was probably one of those cheerleaders who had promised multiple times that they would text me later. But, to my immense surprise it was Katrina.

Hey. Don't forget about us 2morrow!! Haha jk :D Kat

I laughed. Then slid my phone open to text her back.

Wait. I thought we both agreed that you would be forgetting me!!! Damn, guess I was wrong! Lol

Great. See you tommorrow. P.s. Watch out for cheerleaders... :D Kat

Will do :) jAcK

"JACK! Come here, would you?"

"Yeah ma!" I ran down the stairs quickly, hoping my mom didn't hear me laughing earlier. She was in the kitchen boiling up spaghetti, and checking her blackberry.

" I forgot to tell you, your father won't be eating with us, he has a late business meeting" she said with a sigh, she sounded worried.

"Okay. Mom, is everything all right?"
"Fine. Just fine."
"Oh... Tired?" I offered. She gave me a small smile.

"Yeah, that's it. Just really tired. Oh, and Jack." she continued, " before you head back up, I wanted to let you know that there's going to be a dance at your school soon. I was hoping that you'd think about going."

"Maybe" I replied. Dances weren't really my thing. No, they weren't my thing at all. I couldn't dance to save my soul. As I retreated to my room I thought about Kat.

Wait. Kat? When did I start calling her that?!? What is wrong with me?She's just a friend!! Stop this right now!!!!

But that just through more pictures of her into my mind. Her mocha hair, gleaming chocolate eyes...

What the hell, man! Snap out of it!! She's your friend! Nothing else. Why do you always do this. You fall in love with a girl in one town only to find out that you're moving again!! It's dumb, and you're better than that! Don't do it again. My mind warned me. But I couldn't seem to shake those thoughts of her. They just reappeared every time I thought I had forgotten.

"Here we go again," I said with a sigh

Katrina's POV

Will do :) jAcK

I through myself back on my pillows as my phone landed on my desk with a loud bang.

"Giggle giggle"

"David, get out of my room!" David sheepishly slid out from under my bed. I haven't the faintest idea why he always insisted on spying on me, but he did.

"What is the problem?!" my mom called from the kitchen.

"Nothing!" I knew better than to bother her on a work night. When my dad left us, she was forced to take two jobs to pay off the mortgage.

"Great! Well I'm off. The left overs from last night are on the counter. Have David in bed by nine..."

"... And myself in bed by eleven... I know, I know."

"Good girl." she replied then kissed me on the forehead. Then she turned her attention to David.

"Be good. Listen to your sister..."
" ... If I don't, you will hear about it, mom, i know!" he finished with a smirk.

"Okay, okay! I guess I'm not needed here anymore." she told him with a laugh. Then she kissed his forehead and started towards the door.

" Bye kids. Be good."

"Bye Ma!" we both called.

"Okay Dave, which one for dinner, cheeseburgers, or pasta? "Hmm..." he thought it over, "Cheeseburger." he decided. "Okay little dude. Now, ketchup, mustard, relish, pickles?" "Ketchup."

"Okay, go sit down and will be right out." I pulled out the ketchup bottle and tossed it on the island then picked up the cold cheeseburger from the night before and put them to reheat in the microwave. As they reheated, I started to think.

I wonder what Jack is doing right now. Maybe he's eating dinner... Wow, I'm such a creeper! Ugh, but I can't get him out of my head!"
My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the beeping of the microwave.

Oh well... 


Thanks to the people who have decided to stick with me and my little story. If youre new to it, ( at the risk of sounding like a perky politician) thanks for choosing me! As ive said before im all up for new reads and reveiws so... tell everyone :) thanks!!!!

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