Chapter 6

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Kat's POV

For awhile, I just stared at the ceiling. Over and over my mind repeated,

He kissed me!!

Awkward as it was, we just payed there on his bed silent. I wondered if he was planning on breaking the silence, or if I should, when I heard some sort of buzzing noise. I looked over as Jack pulled his iPhone out of his pocket.

"Ugh! Not her..." he murmured.


"Elizabeth, or whatever her name is."

"You gonna tell me what the hell she wants?" I asked with a smirk.

"Fine. Read it yourself." he tossed me over the phone and rolled his eyes.

Hi Jacky-Poo! I know u must have missed me 2day at school! Dont u worry! I'll b there 2morrow! Luv ya!

Liz_BETH <33333

"Wow!" I giggled, "You already have a nickname, Jacky-Poo!!" In an instant, his phone was wrenched out of my hands, and his face turned the color of a ripe tomato. I made him blush! Score!

"Oh shush!" he said with a sheepish grin.

I decided to brink up the elephant in the room.

"So... about what just happened"

"Yeah that." he looked down, clearly embarrassed at where the conversation was going.

"Well it's kind of important, ya know."

"Well I'm sorry." His apology shocked. My mouth hung open as I was taken aback.

"Sorry? But for what?"I was truly confused.

"Kissing you. What else?" he answered.

"You regret it?"

"Well..." he thought it over a while then finally answered." no, I just figured that you didn't want us to be this way." he said slight confusion showing on his face.

"This is what I wanted though!"

"Really?" he sounded doubtful

"Of course. Do you think I'd lie about something like this?"

"No. You just seemed really quiet after you pushed away mid-kiss..."

"Only reason I pushed away was because I didn't want us to end up doing anything that we'd regret." my caution towards him seemed silly when I explained it.

"Okay then," he said with a mysterious smile, "So you wouldn't mind if I..." I didn't let him finish before I grabbed his neck and pulled his lips to mine. He straddled me and I sighed. When he bit my bottom lip, I immediately allowed him entrance, his tongue started to explore my mouth eagerly and I moaned softly. All of a sudden we heard a gasp. Jack was quickly gone from me. We both stared at the door where his mom was standing with her arms crossed. This I expected from any mom, but the smile that played on her lips was not something I expected to see.

"Hey mom... This is my uhhh friend, Katrina."

"It's nice to meet you, Katrina."

"Nice to meet you too." I said softly.

She laughed.

"She seems so terrified of little old me. Well you two go ahead and go back to whatever you were doing." he both blushed intensely," I'll be down in the kitchen." then she closed the door and I could hear her going down the stairs. Jack grabbed the remote from his bed side table and clicked on his tv to ABC. Then instantly straddled me again.

"So where were we?" with that I giggled and pulled his neck down again.

Jacks POV

After we finished making out, it was about 6.

"Oh no! I have to get home before David gets home!" she exclaimed. She started frantically smoothing her hair and straightening her shirt. As she jumped off my bed I grabbed her wrist.

"Wait. Let me walk you home, just let me grab a jacket and some shoes."

"Thanks." she smiled sweetly.

"Here." I tossed her jacket across the room. She caught it gracefully.

"Hey, you know you should really try out for cheerleading or something." she whipped around.

"What! Did I hear you right?!"

"Well yeah. You should you're so graceful, I bet you'd be better than all of the other cheerleaders." She burst out laughing.

"What?! What's so funny?"

"Me, a cheerleader? Did you lose your mind?"

"No!!" I laughed at her, "Come on! Promise me you'll at least try out!"

"Fine." she huffed. She was so cute when she was annoyed.

"I heard that the tryouts are in two days, and that the coach is judging."

"Oh, and how did you find this out?" she asked with a smirk.

"Mom told me, she knows everything."

We headed down the stairs and started to head out the door.

"Ma, I'm taking Kat home."

"Fine with me. It was so nice to meet you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2011 ⏰

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