Chapter 3

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As I walk into to girls locker room,I was suddenly pushed up against a locker.

"You didn't think we'd let you win so easily did you?" Elizabeth sneered evilly.

"Wait I know your delusional Elizabeth, but what on earth are you talking about?"

"Oh, you know! Jack, you're meeting him in ten minutes!"

"Yeah, that... we're just friends!"

"After we're done with you he won't even want to be that much!"

Hope trotted up with a slick smile plastered on her face. With that she grabbed my bag while another cheerleader pushed me into a bathroom stall and stood guard. I knew this routine. Just to mess with me, the bitches hid all of the things in my bag in random places. Sometimes they would even hide some in the gym for the next class.

"Okay, we're done." I heard Felicity whisper to the girl standing guard and she stepped away from the door. But I knew better than to immediately rushing out of the stall. If I did, they would just slam me in the face with the door. I waited until I heard the locker room door click then I cautiously stepped out of the stall. None of my things were in sight!

"Of course," I thought aloud, "well first I have to find my phone so I can call... Great, I don't have Jack's number. That plan won't work! Ugh!"

So, I started by searching through every locker. By the time I was done. I was five minutes late and hadn't even found half of my stuff. But I wasn't going to give up. By the time I was ten minutes late I had gathered all of my stuff and was rushing to the lunch room. But Jack wasn't there. I bolted into the cafe, only to see jack sitting down at the "popular" table and Elizabeth and the twins giving me snide looks.

"Dammit!" I muttered " They always have to win. Oh well, I Knew it would never last."

With that, I travelled to the table where I really belonged, the table with Lucy sitting there.

"Hey Lucy." I said glumly

"Are you okay?! What's wrong?"

So I pulled an apple out of my bag and filled her in on the whole story.

"I'm sure he'll understand, Kat. Just explain to him what happened."

"No way I'm doing that! He'll think I'm throwing them under the bus to protect my own ass."

" Fine. Do it your way but you're wasting out on a good friendship."

"Whatever, maybe I will talk to him."

I was so late for lunch that I only had time to finish my apple before the bell rang and the clatter of lunch trays filled the cafeteria. Lucy and I took our time, for our next class was English. Luckily it was our best class of the day, because I needed a real pick-up. The good think about English was that none of the bitches were in it with us. We stopped by our lockers and dropped our bags, grabbed our books and finally made our way to English. We still had five minutes until the bell signaled the new starting period.

"Good afternoon, ladies"

"Afternoon, Miss Hastings." we replied. Miss Hastings was the nicest teacher at Silver Springs High.

"Kat," she pulled me aside "anything the matter?" she asked kindly.

This is why Lucy and I loved her. She took interest in our personal life no matter when our where she always tried to help us out.

"Not really, just the cheerleaders again."

"Well don't let them bother you. They're just jealous that you have a better grade in my class then they do." she replied with a wink. Her tone always had a way of making me smile.

"So, I saw you with the new boy, Jack?"

"Yeah, but he's more friendly with the cheerleaders."

"Why is that, you're a pretty cool girl!"

I laughed. " Yeah, you may think that, but no one else beside Lucy."

Large groups of students started piling in the door so Miss Hastings said good bye and started her lesson on Shakespeare.Three periods later, and the last bell rang. School was over for the day as I broke out of the doors I spotted jack.

"Jack! Jack! Wait up!"


"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to walk home with us..."

"Are you going to ditch on me, like you did last time?!" he was clearly angry.

"No! Of course not. I was actually hoping I could explain?"

"Fine but you explanation had better be good."

So I explained, and he apologized for yelling at me. We had reached his house, it wasn't what I had suspected. His house was huge! And it was so modern and polished. Lucy and my mouths hung wide open. Jack took one look and laughed.

"Okay so tomorrow morning, we are meeting at the giant oak tree on Greenland street, right?"

"Yep. I promise that I will show up!" We all laughed as we turned around to leave.


After we walked a little longer I reached my house. As I did my mom was pulling in the driveway with my brother David in tow.

"Hey Ma!"

"Hi hun. How was school?

"Eh. Fine.

" Good. Hey, listen I found a flyer for the autumn dance today at the library. How come you didn't tell me there was a dance coming up?"

"Well I wasn't actually planning on going."

"No. You're going, you need to find more friends than just Lucy."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I asked angrily.

"Nothing, you know I love Lucy to death, but I'd like to see more friends around here soon."

"Fine. Whatever mom. I'm going to do my homework."

"Okay, I love you."

"Yeah, whatever." I sighed as I trudged into the house.

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