Chapter 1: Portions for Foxes

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"Why did you quit?" That annoying voice begs me to answer, I slam my locker closed. I huff rolling my eyes as I turn to her and shrug. Katie was pissed, you could see it in her blue eyes the ice that could freeze anyone's soul. I've seen it so many times though that it didn't matter one bit. "Shrugging isn't a good enough answer. I depended on you. You can't do this to me!"

"But, I did do it. And I don't plan on going back." I snap back at her prissy little face. This was the first time in years I stood up for my beliefs without going along with what Katie said. Her mouth hung open in disbelief.

"But, you were the best cheerleader other then me on the squad." She huffs crossing her arms. I was expecting this tantrum from her. Little two year old Katie who never grows up. I shrug running my hand through my red hair and bump into her shoulder, walking away. "Hey! Where are you going?!" She almost screams following me. She grabs my arm pulling me back and making me drop all the books and papers I had in my hand.

"You're making a fool of yourself." I hiss at her bending over to pick up the mess.

"You're making a huge mistake." She rolls her eyes kneeling as well to help me. She might be a bitch but she had a reputation to uphold. Considering she was my "friend".

"If I make a mistake it is mine. Not yours." I look at her stuffing loose papers in my bag.

"In the process screwing the whole team over." Her eyes narrow and her lips press together in a thin line.

"You can find someone else, there are many other talented people." I roll my eyes. "Jesus, it's not the end of the world."  We both stand up as we are joined by my two other friends. Amber and Ashley. I pick at my thumbs as they put a hand on Katie's shoulder.

"What?!" She basically screams turning to face them.

"U-um, practice. We kinda need our captain..?" Amber says like a question. My eye twitches. Katie messages her head but nods looking up at me.

"We'll continue this later." She warns her finger outstretched like she was my moter lecturing me. I nod. I can't say anything too rebellious. I was never the Queen Bee and now, I never would become one.

The bell rings and I turn to leave the school. I swing the door open and walk out raising my head. The sun is shining on this bright summery day. Soon, it would be summer break. I stand outside staring at the sky as a cool breeze brushes along my skin as people walk out. Some, bumping into me. I payed no heed. It was beautiful. In that moment I could feel the sun warm my skin. The radiance that made everything around me glow. And no one noticed. Not one single person.

 I feel someone tap my shoulder snapping me out of my trance, panic soon flooding my veins. I gasp in surprise as I was yanked into the real world turning to face the intruder. "Babe, it's just me." Gabe laughs softly. Pulling me into his arms. "You need to relax. You've been so tense lately."

I know this sounds horrible but, I was hoping Gabe wouldn't find me today. That's a horrible thought. He loves me. I know he does. It's the way he acts. It's the way he touches me, makes my heart fly. Right now though, my heart isn't flying. My heart is sinking into regret I cannot act as happy as he is at the moment. Nevertheless, I make myself relax into his touch. He was always good at picking my feelings up. I don't feel like getting questioned. "I'm a bit worried, I guess."  I mumble into him.

"I can tell. What's been going on?" He asks stroking my hair. By this time, everyone was gone and the buses have already left.  Here we go, the questions. Questions I should answer because this boy was my loving good natured boyfriend. ...I cringe.

"I don't know," I swallow and let out the truth. "I just feel like something really big...something really, really bad is about to happen." I feel his muscles stiffen.

"You always get like this when you need sleep. Come on, love." He kisses my forehead and turns leading me to the sidewalk. I put a hand on his chest making him turn to me.

"I've been doing nothing more but sleeping." I whisper to him averting eyesight. I sigh and look towards the exit. I look back and smile. "Hey, I think I wanna walk home alone today. And maybe tomorrow."

He presses his lips together, he doesn't like the idea. I can tell, especially with how I've been acting so suddenly. But, he knows he can't control me and caresses my cheek gently kissing me on the lips. Filling me with a certain comfort, a certain warmth that always makes me smile. And I know....everything will work itself out. Even if everything won't be one hundred percent okay. It will work out. "I love you." I whisper parting from him. He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"I love you too. Be careful." He waves at me as I walk away, already giving me the space I yearn for.

I round a corner staring at the sky wondering what time it was. The sun was already going down. I pull out my phone and look at the clock. 5:30 blinks back at me. I shrug putting it back in my pocket and raising my head to see something strange. Something that made me shiver.

A girl. A girl holding a doll. She is in a white dress. Her eyes a cold blue staring at me, long eyelashes surrounding them. Her face pale with red lips. Long black hair, some tucked behind her ear. I stand there clutching my bag. My heart speeding. Adrenaline pumping. She tilts her head and smiles slowly at me. "You look like you're seeing a ghost." She laughs. The laugh makes my mouth go dry.

"A-am I?" I hear myself ask her. She blinks.

"Definitely not." She shakes her head. "Are you on your way home?"

"Yes." I nod slowly. Something about her still giving me goosebumps.

"How often do you come here alone...?" She asks innocently. Her lips still curved into a gentle smile, her eyes displaying playful mischievousness. I swallow back my fear and smile.

"Not often." I reply making my feet move forward. "Excuse me, I should get home." She steps to the side staring at me as I walk by. I look forward until I'm five steps ahead. When I look back, she's gone. I shiver once more and run the rest of the way home. Which isn't a lot.

I swing the door open and slam it close, even locking it. Panting as I face a disconcerted family. "Honey, are you alright?" My mother asks coming to feel my forehead. Which, despite the sweat was cool from the terror. I jumped and held my heart.

"I'm fine!" I smile at her and hug her tightly. "I wanted to see you all so much that I ran here." I go to my father and kiss him on the cheek, hug my little brother; before running upstairs before any more stupid questions were asked. I lock my bedroom door and turn on the radio. My body collapses on my bed. I turn, hugging the pillow closely to my body.  I let my eyelids close and I fall into a sleep, trying to get myself calm from that strange girl.

Completely irrational fear.

Completely irrational depression.

Completely irrational paranoia.

I'm just..

Completely irrational.

Angels UndergroundOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora