Chapter 3: The Kiss of Death

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He has his arm around me. We are walking down the hallway everyone staring. Blinking. Some with jealousy. Others with a casual glance. Where in God's name was Gabe for all of this? And why could I not say anything. And why was everyone so accepting to this awesome new "boy toy". Just yesterday Gabe and I were walking like this down the halls. And now, so suddenly this new guy claims he is my boyfriend? Unacceptable.

"You seem tense, Love." Matt whispers in my ear as we round a corner. I shrug him off and look around to find us in an empty hallway. I then look at him and push him away turning to walk fast to my next class. Something grabs my wrist and makes me stop. Then a tug, and there I am stumbling backward, tripping on air. I fall against Matt's chest. I glare at empty air. Why. Me? He wraps his arms around me crossing my arms so I can't move. "Stop acting like you're so much better then me." He says in a low tone. "I know just yesterday you were begging to not be with him." How does he know something I didn't say out loud?

"I love Gabe. Not you. I don't even know you. You're just a creepy stalker begging for a kiss." I struggle against his embrace.

"I don't have to beg for one. You'll give me one by the end of the day." He laughs at my words. Like they were nothing but a passing thought.

"I have a boyfriend." I huff loudly standing still.

"That's me." He counters. I could hear the smile in his sentence. I shake my head fighting back the bark of laughter. I kick his shin and struggle free. He sighs loudly and lets go of me. "Your fighting skills suck." I turn to see him frowning in disapproval."You'll have to fix that."

I roll my eyes. Whatever.

"I'm very serious." He says, frowning deeper. "I can't believe He's going to choose you. Little weakling."

"Who's He?" I ask pressing my lips together. Matt looks at me. Smiles a little, and looks away walking.

"You'll find out." He says. I walk to my class with him slouching as we enter the class thirty minutes late from our discussion. Everyone turns to us. Showing up late. It's like everyone thinks you've killed someone. Or had sex. Or both. Which is gross.

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Grace." Mr. Westington with the balding head says his eyes mimicing that of a disappointed parent. "Any late pass you two?"

I shake my head.

"Yes," Matt says pulling out a paper from his pocket and handing it to the teacher. The teacher looks at it, looks at both of us and sighs handing it back to Matt.

"Sit, please." He sighs. I look at the paper over Matt's shoulder. It's blank. I look up to Matt, confused. This teacher usually responded to sarcasm with a slap to the face and a punch to the principal's office. I take a deep breath and sighing as I take my seat and notice Matt sitting next to me.

Like he promised, Matt was following me around. All day.

"Will you ever...ever stop being my personal stalker?" I ask exasperated during lunch. My eyes were scanning the room for Gabe, who seemed to have randomly disappeared. Matt wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer.

"Will you ever....ever give me a kiss?" He whispers in my ear then turns to the people staring at us. I cross my arms glaring at the ceiling.

"Did the love birds have a fight or something?" Katie asks me. The other two girls were just staring. Like they were intruding on something.

"No, we're just playing." Matt answers Katie. "Who could ever fight with this girl?" He moves back and forth. Am I a puppy? I put my hand to my forehead pushing him away. I can't take this anymore. I stand up and leave the table, This guy was turning my life upside down. And I didn't like it. It made the feeling worse.

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