Chapter 2: My Head is Not My Home

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GPOV (Grace's Point of View)

When I wake up, my vision is bleary. My throat is raw and I'm clutching onto my blanket for dear life. I must have had a nightmare I couldn't remember again. I sit up holding my pounding head, rubbing my eyes. Maybe I shouldn't go to school.

But then Gabe would be worried.

I groan in pain sliding up and looking at the clock. There was no putting it off, I needed to get up. It was already six thirty. I grab a sweatshirt and yoga pants putting them on. I only did this when I wasn't feeling well at all. I look at my green eyes, red with dark circles underneath. Jesus, what was I even doing last night? I went to bed as soon as I got home. It looks like I was crying and screaming all night. I put my red hair up into a messy bun. I need to get it off my face.

I slowly make my way downstairs to see my Mother making eggs. I was an image of my Mother, red hair green eyes. It was like I was watching a movie. My father was sitting on at the table. Drinking his coffee. My little brother, a picture of my father with his brown hair and green eyes playing with his video game as he ate his cereal. I had a good life. So, why was I feeling like this?

"Are you okay, Sweetheart? You've been acting strangely." My Mom asks me with genuine concern. I smile softly at them.

"I love you all." If my feelings were correct, if something was coming...I would want them to know how much I care for them all. When they think of me, I hope they know how much I care. How much I've loved them. If anything were to happen....I'm going insane, aren't I?

"We love you too. Grace, your Mother is right, you've been acting very strange young lady. We're worried." My Dad puts down the newspaper looking straight at me. "You don't even look like you slept."

"Are you sick?" My brother asks me. Tears sting my eyes. They truly cared. I go to them and hug each individual.

"Don't be silly, I'm fine. I had a nightmare last night. I gotta go." I say kissing their cheeks and grabbing a banana.

"Bye, Sweetheart." My Mom take me in her arms and makes me look at her. She eyes me with her motherly knowledge. "If something is on your mind, you can tell me." She kisses my forehead. I close my eyes smiling and nod.

"I know but really," I breathe smiling. "Everything is fine." And everything was. I had a supportive family, a great boyfriend, and when this whole cheerleader thing blew over I'd have great friends. Everything was fine. In fact, I was as close to perfect as any other teenager.

I grab my backpack and start walking to school. I feel someone staring at me. I look up and see the girl, in the place she stood yesterday. Like the exact place. With the exact doll. And the same exact dress. I jump and hold my chest to catch my breath. "Jesus kid," I breathe. "Do you ever go home?" I hear her laugh softly.

"Yes, I do." She nods slowly. "I'm just waiting for my bus." She looks straight forward. I eye her. She looks like my brother's age, which was around 12.

"What school do you go to?" I ask kicking a rock. I should just leave, make my way to school, but I started a conversation with her.

"It's far from where we are now." She sighs. A chill goes down my spine. "It's a private institute." Well, that would explain her prestigious attitude she had going on there.

"Ah. Well, I should get going." I nod and start walking away.

"Are you walking home today from school?" She asks my back. I look over her shoulder. She had turned towards me staring.

"Um, yeah. Sure kid." I nod.

"Good," She smiles turning again. "I enjoy playing." I blink. Playing? What is this kid even talking about? Playing. Right. Okay. She raises on of her wrists to look at a golden watch. "Today I would like to play Hide and Go Seek."

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