Chapter 6: Turn Your Back on Mother Nature

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I sit down next to the fireplace not feeling the heat. Not feeling cool. Just not really feeling. I take a sip of the tea Adam gives me and smile at the familiar taste. I'm glad I can at least taste and smell, but I taste and smell everything. I look over to Tessa. " wings are different than yours." 

"Because you haven't had your first kill. You're fragile." She sighs, laying back on the couch, putting her legs on Adam. He begins running his hands up and down her leg with affection. I tilt my head in question as Adam chuckles.

"She's right, in a sense." He says. "You're more easily swayed until you stand your ground against evil that will look for you. And find you. And try to convert you. With either force....or...persuasion." 

"Like...seduction persuasion?" I ask gulping remember Matt's kiss. Adam shakes his head. 

"No, not really. If that would be the deciding factor than we all would be going straight to hell. No, God would forgive that. Besides you can't really find demons too appealing like the human eye percieves them anymore. Their true form shows themselves to you. It's more of deal making. Like, Eve and the apple. The original sin."

"Free will." I speak slowly and he shrugs.

"To gain back free will." He corrects. "They offer humanity back." 

"What's so bad about not being able to die and saving human lives, though?" I ask with a smile. Tessa looks at me. 

"Don't let them hear that." She says in a dark tone. I look over at her, the color in her eyes glowing with rage she tightens her jaw and looks away. "They'll kill people in front of you, you used to care for to try to persuade you."

"Used to care for? I still care for those I love!" I object putting my  tea on the fireplace. She lifts up her eyebrow.

"You learn not to care." She says before kissing Adam on the cheek and whispering in his ear. I look away trying not to hear the request of Adam going to bed with her but when I can hear people walking from above it's kind of hard not to hear a whisper in front of me. But something tells me I am meant to hear this request. She looks over at me with a haf hearted smile before turning to leave. "You can only care for your kind and then the human race. We protect the human race. The humans are a different species. We protect them. Nothing more. They are all the same. We are family, lovers, and more." I watch as she disappears with Adam down the hallway and turn to the fireplace, watching the flames dance together. 

Nothing more? Without being humans we wouldn't even be here. She separates them but we are all connected. Fire and wood are two different things. But fire cannot exist without eating at something. So if I am fire, humanity is what I attatch to. Evil is what I am supposed to diminish. I raise my fingers to my green eye touching my cheek under it. The fire flickers and goes out quickly before the oil lamps and candles on the walls go out with it. Leaving me in the dark. I swallow back a cold chill and listen to the creaks and taps in the walls. A door slowly opens, I look towards it and walk to it. I look at the threshold before taking a slow step towards it. I feel something pulling me. Like my name is being called and I have to answer. 

I walk down a dark hallway and up a spiral staircase. With every step I hear human voices coming closer. Cars going past, people laughing, people walking and still something calls to me. I stop at the top of the spiral staircase and stand on a ladder. Putting my hand on the cold copper, I feel the wetness of dripping water. I climb the ladder and put my hand on a cover pushing it up and over. I look around a dark park. No one. I pull myself up and feel soft grass underneath my palms. I dust myself off looking around.

"Why didn't you out of there?" A voice asks. I turn to look at Matt and my face instantly drains of any color left of a dead girl. 

"You!" I shout.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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