The Trump Card

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The southern army, having won the battle, called it a day, and decided to resume their march on Matherock with the sun rising.

Meanwhile, in the royal palace of Mavock, the capitol of Meir kingdom ( to which Matherock belonged)

Queen Elena, daughter of Davidson the deceased king, was gathered with the war council's commanders.

She was a young lady, not in her third decade yet, ravishing beauty that captivated which ever eyes caught sight of her,pure hazel eyes. One would lose himself, gazing the beauty of those eyes. wavy black short hair ,that seemed like the wavy threads of black silk. Her facial features were a heavenly touched harmony.

A cheerful soul, kind and pure, as if an angel among them. She was the source of happiness and joy of the palace, cherished by the entire kingdom. Her smile could inherently make you smile.

Nonetheless,she was one of the empire's great warriors, and possessed a Glared weapon of her own.She did strive for glory, just like her father once did, and even at this empire's fateful hour, she was calm.her resolve was far from ordinary, surpassed that of her commanders.The charm and elegance of queen, the soul of a princess, the heart of warrior. Her men were ready to give their life for her, willingly at any given second, yet she led the battlefields, fearlessly.Yet, the fact being a lady, made all other empires see her as the weak chain,the easy prey among all, and so she had to fight all 4 kingdoms at once.

The council was silent, with Stratos's loss, it was all collapsing on their heads and they were running out of options. General Aizen decided to break the silence

''I think it is for the greater good, to let Matherock fall for the southerns, claiming the city and securing it would take them a month at the very least, if any of our armies would return by then, we will be able to push the southerns back, maybe even claim Matherock for ourselves once again.And i would like to add, that our 5th army is fighting as we are speaking, and are quite close to achieve victory against the Varmens.'' he paused slightly, then resumed ''It is a gamble that we have to take or else we will exhaust our powers and put our selves face to face with doom itself''

Everyone seemed convinced with his words, it was only rational that you sacrifice in order to win, or in this case, to stay alive.

"I shan't give up on my people, nor their dreams. They deserve to live, as we do. If we let Matherock fall, they will be a live stock for the southerns. Can you imagine what sort of things the southerns will do to them? What will prevent them from attacking us then, once they know were this hopeless, this defensless. If we let Matherock fall, we all fall."

  She could imagine all the young children's smiles, and hear their loud laughter. She could see the people's love blossoming, their warrior's courage flared up and she could feel their faith in her . Hence, the idea of letting the city fall, made her feel their pain, for that was the sort of heart she possessed.   

Silenced ruled for some moments

" My queen " Damien suddenly called.

  he stood up and faced her, he seemed younger than his 28 years.Green jadeite eyes, short black hair, both hands were full of battle scars,small refined nose, and thick brows.A hero, nothing less.  Despite his young age, he made quickly to commander-ship, gaining a seat on the round table, and respect among commanders. Tho,  respect wasn't the only thing he gained.

He was not tall,but rather built,decisive look.

''Your majesty , i can buy you and the fifth army as much time as needed , we'll protect Matherock with our lives until the reinforcements come,i'll carry on your wishes.'' he said, while slightly nodding. He was that resolved, he needed no one's confirmation.

She wanted to object, it was a suicide; But what else could she have done. She ran out of options and wished to curse her own helplessness.

''They have 5 Glared weapons.Be careful.''

''It should not be a problem, your majesty, but i shall very well do.Thank you your highness, anything else i should carry on?''

''No, get your men prepared and move to there at once, you have my blessing''

He bowed and made his way out of the room, he seemed unchanged by the fact that he was given a task beyond human power.

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