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The lingering moon sent his beams throughout  the raindrops.The heart throbbed, and the soul wandered in the realms of such ravishment . Elena took careful steps into the mud, until she found a shelter under a large tree.She lay down, and rest her head on her hands.She has always found an unrivaled joy, contemplating the sky above. The stars radiated their captivating light, piercing through the gentle rain drops, it reached for her beautiful hazel eyes . The scenery took her breath away .Swept away, she felt flying throughout the universe. The anthem of the falling rain, down with the whispers of the celestial orbs made it to her little, perfectly shaped ears. The night breathed dreams into the sky, and they were to be seen, at least by her childish eyes. The rain was soon coming to an end, and the sky was becoming clearer.She rose her hands and tried to reach for the stars as they seemed to be closer than ever. The dreams she sought, were up there, where her heart has always hung. Her hair spilled as a streaming river of absolute beauty.She looked like a little angel herself. 

''May i join you,princess?'' a voice erupted out of nowhere, with laugh.

She knew the voice, so she responded without looking with a hum and a nod. Her father-The King Davidson- sat down next to her.

''You know, the entire royal palace is looking for you.''

''Now they are looking for both of us.'' she replied with a gentle smile. He smiled back, then gazed the sky for few moments,looking back at her he said:

''You're gazing the stars, as always, aren't you, my princess?''

She nodded, and they went into a deep silence, contemplating the stars. Her father decided to break the silence.

''Elena, i know it has been hard on you, after your mother's death. It has been so on all of us ; but i do not want you to stop your life and watch it lapsing through the moving stars. Your mother would have never wanted you to do that, nor would i. And what is a star like you doing looking to other less beautiful stars?'' he said so, teasing her nose, trying to cheer her up, but she only smiled faintly. There are things in life, that mere talking or mere believing doesn't get you through. That was one of them.

''Listen Elena, you have been given a unique life to live to the most, but it's not just your life that i am talking about.'' He seemed to grab her attention, at least for the moment being, as she turned her head and looked to him, straight in the eyes, with her breathtaking blue ones. '' This world will one day be consumed by its greedy desires. Darkness shall then  plunder it. The empires around us have been blinded by their search of power. The stars, Elena, are most missed in the cloudy night, and i know not how many of those nights are coming to our world. It's your fate then, to be their star, Elena, to light up the path, and  to guide the people. You will be doubted, your people will be afraid, but i know that only you can defy their false stars.'' then he smiled, and stroke her stray hair behind her ears.

'' For only you have the beauty of the stars, and only you have the hearts of knights. Come on, let's get inside.It's getting cold up here''

Defying The Stars: Tainted lightWhere stories live. Discover now