Sail on,my friend.

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It was a predicted, the southerns resumed their march at the early hours of dawn.Due to the great walls of the city, it was rather easier to go through the gate. They sent their front line to meet the 98 man, three thousand man shook the earth beneath them as they marched.Their faith, not so different than that of the Meirians, for they aimed for glory at every single step.

There was an assembly of rocks, where Damien and Chris hid, until the distance between them and the midline of the southerns could be minimum so that they can reach their commanders.

The front lines clashed, and for instance, the Meirians seemed to be pushed back, but they counter attacked,it was a wave of death, going back and forth, but the Meirians were persistent and they were determined not to lose the front .they thrusted and lunged into the Southerns relentlessly.

When the midline seemed to be drawn into beholding the happening, Damien and Chris rode like the hurling thunder towards their commanders. They were seen when they a thousand feet away. The spears were then redirected towards them, formations to block their paths, but they did but rushing in.Their horses had the bravery of their own, as if they aspired for glory themselves, they ran faster,and faster, until fifty feets away, they jumped. They couldn't go higher than the spears,but they took their riders to the space beyond the spears due to the reformation.Damien and Chris dived in, got on their foots.They stabbed and pierced, swords clanged , but Damien and Chris to swallow the lives of those infront of them. 4 Sub-commander - who held Glared weapons- made their way to them.Damien and Chris equally matched the four, with their combined attacks.When ever Chris's spear would be blocked, Damien's scimitar would follow with stab, when ever Damien was opened, Chris would block the attack. They fought back to back, and heart to heart.However, it was not before long, that both realized they were not making a remarkable progress, the men could not buy them enough time, and there was yet the Southern Commander to deal with,But it only took Chris a fraction of a second to react, resolved on his actions.''I am sorry, Damien'', Before Damien's eyes could turn to see what's about to happen, he could hear Chris's voice ''I call upon the fire-'' , NOOO, his soul shouted as soon as he realized ,'' -" I call upon the fire that molds the soul within. Grant my wish a star, to light the skies above. For i pledge my life to the blade by which I've thus far lived, by which i shall die. tangled between life and death i pray. IGNITE!"''

Chris's aura became overwhelmingly fearful, his spear radiated a strong violet light.He span it around and drove all four a foot back at once. ''GO!!'' He commanded Damien.He knew that Chris will have to fight the four as he deals with the commander, but he also knew that the spear will consume Chris's power to hold all 4 at once, he knew that Chris has put his faith in Damien, along with the 98 man.He also knew he lost his friend,Forever.Tormenting was the scent of death as it approaches those close to us, even more  when we see death lingering as he draws them away.Damien's heart and soul were shaken, but that was no time for him to falter. He ran towards the Southern commander like an ambassador of death.

Agony rushed through his veins,his soul enraged,his heart ablaze, he cut through the southerns, charging at their commander. Behind him, he felt a bond breaking, forever, but it was the will of the 99 man that pushed him forward, their faith became his, their strength, their goals, even their dreams, it all lay on his shoulder, as he pushed forward through the southerns, and so it was but a matter of time that he reached their commander. His scimitar knew it's way to harvesting the souls of her enemies . His eyes met those of the southern commander, his blade met his, their swords clanged like thunder in the storm. Their fight was intense, Damien gave it his all, He swang his sword around, hitting the commander with all his force, yet he somehow managed to block it.

When in a fight, your strengthful attacks fail to bring you victory, your faith wavers, when you bet your hope on your strength, it is sometimes likely to fail you. Damien tho, didn't seem to falter, but the moment he was about to charge again at the southern commander, he felt the sound of silence making it to his ears, hundreds of feets away. Silence swallowed it all, and he could hear it. A freezing shiver demolished his being, a desire to scream surged beneath the skin. He wished to look back , but there, lay nothing but void. The southern Commander seized the opportunity and charged, forcing Damien on defense, but  with heart displaced, he got hit, kicked down, and as he stood up, he couldn't very well block the coming hit, his right hand got badly injured, and his grip became loosened. It only took two hits, to get Damien down. '' You can not stop the inevitable'', said the southern Commander with a confident voice.  He realized he wasted the lives of 99 man, 99 of the Meir's elite warriors, met their fate, not because there task was impossible, but because they had faith in him, for no battle is unwinnable, there's always a way,even if it includes your own death. Despair, pain, agony racked his skin, he so wished to slough it off. '''O-my blade of relentless power, hear my call for it's the last, take of my soul the fuel of your edge , consume me for the sake of glory, show my enemies what you're wrath is like'', he could hear it over and over in his head, Chris's  voice resonating, but if he activates the lethal bond, he would still die, without defeated them. ''There must be a way.'', his consciousness repeated, times after times. Every second of this anguish lasted for an eternity. He remembered a memory, of a  so long past time, when he was fascinated by the legend, that claimed that a man who acknowledges pain, who is tangled between life and death, and whose will is strong enough to bend reality will then emerge as a savior, from the depth of the dark abyss the world dwells in.

He closed his eyes, felt the Southern Commander charging yet his body would not respond, he could barely move, he felt he could vividly see his end. Maybe, had he stayed in the castle with the 98 man, they would have managed to put a fight, maybe they wouldn't have lost, their lives wouldn't have been in vain. Maybe if Chris had the slightest  of doubts in him or his plans, they would have both been alive now.'' NO!'' his soul, enraged, his blood steamed up, ''I must become their savior, if not their bodies, then their souls, their dreams and their faith. Only i can carry on their wishes, to the ones they loved. If it is within my heart to beat, it is within me to conquer''

The southern commander could see Damien's lips moving,it made him feel uneasy, and his hands pushed the sword faster towards Damien, but as soon as he approached, some force repulsed him - and everything around- like an explosion,he fell down, dazzled, he picked his sword and got back on his feet. He closed his eyes and opened them several times before he could regain consciousness. There before him, stood Damien, on his foot, his armor was down, and his body cover with the chains of a sickle. Damien was bathed in blood, but the spark in his eyes was to be dominantly seen. The earth beneath him was over weighed by the amount of power he possessed. He marched towards the commander, like a slow tide that's about to erase all shores. 


The rain was starting to drop, when Damien was standing all alone, in the middle of the battlefield, hundreds and hundreds of corpses lay down, as he walked back , through the mud and blood. He walked like a dead man, tho being the only one alive in the dead field. past the corpse of the Southern Commander, past all his sub commanders, he stopped at the Chris's dead body. The storm got stronger, and the rain washed the blood on his face. He collapsed to his knees, beside Chris's body, his eyes widened, looking at the lifeless body of his friend. He never realized how much Chris was a brother to him, until death parted them . He opened his mouth, the loudest of screams were not to be heard, his lips kept twitching, tears defied his heart, but were soon to give in, as he pulled Chris closer to him. He felt pain burning within his chest, the pain never seemed the cease , it just grew stronger, like a fire that fed on his soul. Bitter was the taste of defeat, over the throne of the victorious, anguishing.  . ''There is always a road to victory, only in defeat it is untaken.'' , the words echoed through his consciousness, he thought he heared Chris's laugh. ''This is what he wanted, glory, and he ceased it, in it's purest forms'' . A few minutes later, his shaken heart started to regain power. '' It was his will that i proceed, and i shall carry on''. He lifted his friend's corpse, to place it among the other 98 warrior.  Their light shall never fade.

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