You need a doctor, baby, you scared?

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I must have passed out in the car because I awoke to bright lights as Ben pushed me in a wheel chair to A&E. He gave a brief summary of what happened, saying that I was home alone, my ex came over, I opened the door he proceeded to abuse me. Is that what it is? Abuse?

They seemed to take my case as some emergency and I wasn't too sure why. I was brought in immediately and was moved onto a bed. I was asked several questions, mainly about Dom, and the Nurse told me they were going to give me a few tests. They ran me through several x rays, and saw I had broken 3 fingers and 4 ribs, I had also fractured my jaw. These all had limited amounts of treatment other than rest.

My fingers were put in splints which I had to keep on until they healed. I had to be careful with my jaw and I was given a support for my ribs.

Now for the internal scan. I was left to lie on my bed, with a ward to myself with only Ben for company. He was crying.

“I could have prevented it.” He sobbed.

“Look, you couldn't have, so don't beat yourself up about it.”

“But, if I didn't go out...”

“You couldn't have known he was going to come tonight, and it isn't like you were going to spend every breathing moment with me in case he did. It's okay, doctor said I'll mend pretty quickly, you heard. I'm alright babe.” I said, reassuring him, and truthfully I wasn't feeling too bad for being in the bed. I wasn't upset, hurt a little but not too badly. All in all I was okay.

“The doctor is here to take you for the scan now.” Said the kind nurse which I think was called Emily.

Ben held my hand as they wheeled me to the exam room, his tattooed arms looking perfect, and his tear stained face making me want to pull him close and kiss him, tell him it will all be okay.

I lay in an MRI for 45 minutes, before putting me into the machine they asked me what music I wanted on, and I made them play Asking Alexandria for me of course. The exam seemed to go for hours, and as time ticked slowly my mind kept going back to how Ben must be feeling. How he was tearing himself apart for something that was out of his control. I felt like screaming, I hated Dom for making him feel like this.

The machine stopped and I was allowed out, they wheeled me back up to my room where Ben had returned, his eyes puffy and red, his face almost white.

“Is she... Okay?” He asked, biting his lip, almost worried about the doctor's reply.

“She is going to be fine, from the scan we didn't see any internal damage to her organs, only the broken bones so we are suggesting she rests for a few days before being released. We noticed a couple hairline fractures to her pelvic bones which we are slightly concerned about. It looks like she had a previous accident with her pelvis that healed, but the fractures are next to the healed bone and we do not wish to put her at more risk.”

The doctor was calm and professional, Ben was an image of sheer shock. He stood there, stunned, just nodding and taking in what had just been said.

“So can she come home?” He asked.

“We can understand how much you care for your girlfriend Mr...”


“Mr Bruce” He resumed, “But we also know that her health is in your best interest. We think it would be advisable for her to stay in here for at least 2 nights to make sure she does not damage herself any more as she is in this fragile state.”

Ben's eyes welled up in tears once more. On the outside I was relaxed, but inside was a different story. It wasn't because I would have to stay in the hospital – I've done that many times before – it was more knowing Ben was worried and I couldn't calm him.

The Doctor left the room after easing me into the bed, within in seconds of his departure Ben's arms were wrapped around me pulling me as close as possible.

“I know I said this before Melissa, but you really will be okay.”

“I know, I'm worried you won't be.” My voice was raw, to the point. He leant his head back but could hardly look me in the eye, was he ashamed for being worried? The embrace still tight, hurting slightly but I didn't mind. Truthfully I needed the hug as much as he did.

There were chairs on the side of the room, pulling one up to the edge of my bed, Ben climbed into it and held onto my hand, trying to make himself as comfortable as possible.

The doctors didn't come back to explain visiting times were over, maybe they figured that considering I wasn't too safe on my own it might be better to have Ben stay too. All I know is that as my pain subsided and my tiredness grew, his grip on my hand dimmed, and soon everything was black, as I stared at my own eyelids feeling drowsiness crash around me.

Someone, Somewhere - Ben Bruce.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin