step 8 - tying up loose ends ⌚

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I've (hopefully) managed to help you begin your fanfiction, and you're ready to share it with the lovely wattpad people.

You'll probably still need a cover, and if it's your first time making one, wattpad has its own creator thing too!

I do recommend, however, to not load your cover with pictures overlapping one another, and sticking to  one basic design.

I really hope this has helped somewhat, and if it did, please comment below!

so when writing a fanfiction, remember Leanne's advice:

use everyday situations to create a plot,

check spelling!

review your work once, twice, and once more.

keep readers interested,

and find ways to widen your vocabulary :3


Fanfiction for DummiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora