step 6 - description

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This is so important in fiction!

I love using description so much – it really helps the reader visualise the object and can be used in so many different ways.

While I was on the RMS St Helena on my way to the island, I met a journalist called Dan Hogan. He was doing an article on the island, and he became interested in my writing.

I asked him for some more tips, and he told me that description is very important, as is the audience.

He said that there are people with extraordinary lives who make it seem ordinary, but those with descriptive minds can make a boring event something vivid and exciting.

A sentence like ‘the chair was red’ could be altered and made into...

The sturdy chair, a deep shade of crimson and faded maroon where it had worn out over the years, was faced at a 45 degree angle to the window, giving the Mrs of the house a view of what was going on down the road. This was where she sourced all the juicy gossip.

And from one simple sentence, we can develop it into a whole new topic.

From a red chair, to the nosy Mrs in the house, to...drama in the street? To Mrs phoning the police? To?

Maybe give it a go with a sentence and leave it as a response!

I feel a bit like a teacher, but I hope this has helped x

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