Chapter 4

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Picture of Mendeecee & Junior up in the Media!!!

It's been 4 days since Don was shot, Yandy hasn't been herself since then. The press has been coming to the R.S mansion since Don's death. They've still haven't found the murder. Toya was back at home. She saw the shooting but won't say who it was.
   Toya has anxiety that the press would ask her about Don's death. Yandy and Toya decided not to leave the house for the day to avoid the press.

"The fucking press still at my door?" Robert asked the girls walking through the living room to the kitchen, the girls didn't answer. Toya's constant was biting her up, she felt guilty that her friend was going through pain and she could do anything about it even though she knew how to stop her pain.

   Robert knew that the press wouldn't go away until they got some answers.
  He asked one of his partners to get the deatails of any of Don's friends.


"Okay did anyone find a friend" Robert said sitting at his desk
"Nothing sir"
    "just one" Parker shouted out
They uploaded the picture on the overhead. A picture of Mendeecee and his son appeared on the screen. Robert rubbed his chin.
"He has a son Robert. He doesn't look very wealthy either" Kim stated
Parker tried to shut her up, Robert ignored what she said and put piece by piece together. Mendeecee was their target.


Yandy was tired of wimping around. It wasn't like her to be depressed over a boy, but Don was different AND RICH.
Yandy got her makeup done by pink her personal makeup artist. She got all dressed up just to stay in the house. She was waiting for her dad to come back from his "business trip" that he goes on every week.
" how you holding up Yan" pink said
"I'm alright I guess, I just hope his friend is okay" Yandy replied
"Yan, about this friend of his, he's peas-"
"No he's not pink," Yandy chuckled. Pink was going to add that Mendeecee was a peasant that people like them didn't really interact themselves with.
"He's cool beans, I guess" Yandy said playing with her curls smiling
Pink starring at her face through the mirror in disgust
"Whatever makes u happy Yan" she continued


"Daddy!!!!!!" Junior yelled
Mendeecee came rushing through the door "what baby?" He panicked
    "I won me game " junior jumped and clapped. Mendeecee was so relieved, he was scared that something happened to his precious son.
  "Gosh, that's great son, but don't yell like that again alright" Mendeecee said shaking his head. He picked up junior and placed him on his lap and continued the game. Omere a.k.a Junior was 2 and a half years old. It's surprising that he played all these games but he was raised by Mendeecee. He learned how to talk and walk at a pretty young age.
   Hours later Mendeecee and junior fell asleep on the couch. Suddenly there was banging on the door.
"Open the fucking door!!" The voice said
Mendeecee's mother came from the kitchen and looked through the peep whole to see who was at the door.
"Mendeecee! awaken mun, there a man at the door" his mother said with her strong Jamaican accent
Mendeecee awoke from his terrible dream that there was officers taking his son away from him and putting him in prison.
"There a man at thee door" Mendeecee's mother Aiesha said
Mendeecee put junior down on the couch slowly so he doesn't wake him up, and went to go answer the door.
4 big men barged into there little apartment. The men were in all black with guns. Grandmama Aiesha put her hands up on her head then feel on her knees.
"What's going on here" whispered Mendeecee not trying to wake up Juinor.
"We have been notified that you have been abusing your son" one of the officers said
"AYYE!" Grandmama screamed
"Ma relax" Mendeecee said
Juinor was slowly awakening by the ruckus of the officers throwing things around.
"I don't hit my son, officers you've been mistaken" Mendeecee said trying to hold the back from getting to Juinor.
"We need to check your son sir" the officers said grabbing Juinor


Yandys P.O.V

I felt like pink was disturbed by the fact that I really liked this peasant. I haven't spoken to Mendeecee since the night of Don's death, which was also my 18th birthday party. Toya and I decided to stop hiding from the press and that I could answer any question they throw at me. I wanted to speak with Mendeecee first because I thought we could do an interview together.
After me and Toya got our dinner, I tried calling Mendeecee with the number that he gave to me
"Nothing's going through Toya, I called 5 times" I said to her
"Maybe he's avoiding your calls Yan, you never know he probably doesn't like you-"
"Shut up Toya" Yandy interrupted her laughing


"Let go of me!!!!!" Juinor yelled fighting off the officers
  "It's okay dee" Mendeecee said trying to calm his son
   Mendeecee heard his phone ringing but couldn't answer because the officers were there. The officers grabbed Mendeecee by his arms and took out their Taser. Juinor was crying and screaming. Grandmama Aiesha
   Was screaming pacing up and down the apartment.
  "Officers please!" Mendeecee cried
"Step back sir" the officers said pulling out their guns.
Mendeecee put both his hands up and stepped back from the officers.
With grandmama crying and Juinor screaming and crying Mendeecee couldn't think straight,
One of the officers was on going to taser Juinor, when Mendeecee screamed and one of the officers got a call. After the officer spoke on the phone, they dropped Junior on the floor and walked out of the apartment laughing.
Mendeecee picked up Junior and tried to calm his mother down. They left scratch marks on Junior
  "Daddy why did they do that to me" Junior cried
  Mendeecee couldn't answer his son, whipping his tears away, he checked his phone and saw 5 missed calls from Yandy.
"Son, let me take Junior to his room" Grandmama said picking up Junior.

Mendeecee picked up his phone and called Yandy back. He told her everything that happened to him.
"Oh wow Mendeecee I hope Juniors okay" Yandy said
"He's fine, he doesn't understand what happened, I honesty don't understand either" Mendeecee rubbed his head
"Did the officers show you there ID" Yandy asked
Mendeecee felt so STUPID  the officers didn't show him any ID. They probably weren't even real officers he thought.
"Nah, they didn't have any ID" Mendeecee said in a soft voice.
"Mendeecee I think you were played" Yandy said
  Mendeecee dropped the phone in astonishment. A tear fell from his eye,
  "hello, hello Mendeecee" Yandy said still on the phone

Any ideas on the next chapter,
Dee is Mendeecee's sons nick name. Mendeecee was born in Jamaica but was raised in America so he doesn't have an accent as much as his mom.

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