____________Levi's POV____________
I watch as the woman with (H/C) hair, leans forward as far as she could go, and before the judge could say anything, the sound of breaking glass is heard.
I see sparks from the handcuffs, as they break, freeing the woman.
But, as I went to restrain her, Erwin stops me.
I look towards him, and saw him shaking his head, as he says, "Lets see what happens next, I'm sure she has a plan." He says, and I go back to my original position.
I see the woman smirk, as she shouts, "Good aim as always, Sniper."
A woman climbs through the broken window, and stands next to the woman with (H/C) hair.
She then turns her attention to the large set of doors.
That was when an explosion is heard, before smoke covered the doors, as they fell to the ground.
"Bomber, Beast, nice to see you too." The woman states, still smiling, as two figures come out of the dust cloud.
"And Laugher, why don't you come out, too." The woman calls out.
That was when laughter was heard, it sounded like a female.
I look towards the upper balconies, and saw a masked person, standing there.
She jumps down, and lands next to the woman with (H/C) hair.
"Now that everyone's here, why don't we start introductions." The woman says, smiling.
____________Your POV_____________
You look over towards your four team members, as you say, "Now that everyone's here, why don't we begin introductions."
Everyone in the room looked terrified, except for a few, and those few seemed to have come from the Survey Corps.
You smile, as you say, "I am (F/N) (L/N), I am the leader of this team, and I will be telling you what my team is capable of."
"Name: Dante Kasai. Nickname: Bomber, male, specialty is creating anything into an explosive device, given the right circumstances." You introduced, as a male in their twenties with short messy black haired steps up, and smirks.
"Next, Name: Mayumi Madoko. Nickname: Sniper, female, specialty is shooting guns from long distances, or even close. She has never missed her target." You say, as the said female with long black hair, done up in pigtails steps up. She looks to be in her mid-twenties. Mayumi lifts up a large sniper rifle and sets it on her hip, the same gun she used in order to break the handcuffs.
"Next, Name: Daichi Areta, Nickname: Beast, male, specialty is inhuman strength, can lift things than can be over ten times his own weight." As you say this, a large man, built at 6'8", has messy short blond hair, steps up. Daichi punches his fist into his other open hand.
"Next, Name: Mine Susanoo. Nickname: Laugher, female, specialty is being our statistics person, as well as someone who gathers information." You introduce, and a petite woman, in her early twenties steps up. She has brown hair, pulled up into a ponytail, as she wears circular like glasses. Mine pushes her glasses up with her middle finger, as she looks around, evaluating the room.
"And last, but not least, me. As stated earlier, I am (F/N) (L/N), I am female, and I am the leader of this team, my specialty is hand to hand combat, as well as weapon combat. I am also gifted with great information collecting skills." You say, as you step up, with the rest of the team, as you shout out, "Now, you've meet Team Alpha. The strongest team in the year 3014."
The murmurings of people could be heard, but you ignored them as you continued to speak.
"I have a proposition to make."
That was when everyone quiets down, no one said a word, as the judge spoke, "And what may that be?"
"Let me and my team be apart of the Survey Corps." You say smiling, your teammates showing no rejection of the proposal.
The judge raises an eyebrow, as he asks, "And why should we allow this?"
"Well, considering the fact that there are, what I guessed to be about 120 people in this courtroom altogether. You see, we work as a team, each person has job to fulfill, making us all the more deadlier when we're put in the same room. Now, I hate to mention this, but the last group of people that stood against us were in a group of 250 people, and by the end of it all, we didn't even have a scratch on us." You say, causing a few people to gulp harshly.
"Now, what does this have to do with the Survey Corps, who kills titans, not humans." The judge says.
"Well, from what I heard, all you have to do is hit the nape of the neck, which is easy for people like us. You see, we're built for killing. It's as simple as that. So, are you gonna let us join, or-" you say, as your voice gets darker.
"Does this place have to turn into a bloodbath?"
When you say this, your team members lift their weapons up, and get into their stance.
The judge stiffens for a moment, before nodding.
"It's settled then, the group known as Team Alpha shall be in the custody of the Survey Corps." With that, the judge dismisses the courtroom.
Everyone is in a hurry to leave, trying to get away from you, and your team.
'What a bunch of cowards.' You think, as you watch the last set of people go, before Levi and Erwin begin to walk towards you.
Your team members all raise their weapons towards them, causing the two men to freeze on the spot.
"At ease, the two are the Commander and the Corporal of the Survey Corps, also known as our new superiors." You say, causing all of them to relax, though they're still on guard.
"Sorry, they're not used to this time period yet. So, they need a little bit of time to adapt." You say.
"I understand, but will you tell us more about your time?" Erwin asks.
"I will, but, I wish to meet Levi's squad. I mean he has a squad, right?" You ask.
"Tch, of course I do, brat." Levi hisses.
"Don't speak to captain that way, pest." Dante growls.
"Who are you calling pest, runt." Levi growls back.
Dante went to speak, again, but you cut him off.
"Dante!" You said sharply, causing him to freeze.
"Sorry captain." He says, as he falls back in the small line of people behind you.
"Anyway, we need to establish your squad with my squad. So, I suggest we get out little meet and greet over with, so we can start onto the real conversation." You say.
"Tch, fine, follow me." Levi says bluntly, as he turns, and leaves, with Erwin walking beside him, and you too, soon follow suit, with your squad not too far behind.

I Am A Fighter! (Levi X Reader)
FanfictionWhat happens when your and your team are one of the strongest army force in the future of 3014, and on one mission, your suddenly transported back in time with your team, to the Titan Era! Will you and your team quickly adapt to the limited resource...