___________Levi's POV_____________
I woke up to the sound of my door slamming open.
My eyes snapped open, as I glared at whoever was disturbing the limited sleep that I got.
Standing there was no other then shitty glasses herself.
"What the fuck do you want?" I hiss, as I sit up from my bed.
"(F/N) has gone missing." Hanji pants out.
This fully woke me up.
"What?" I hiss.
"We can't find her anywhere." Hanji says.
"Tch, just give me a fucking minute to get dressed." I hiss.
Hanji quickly leaves, as I get changed.
After getting changed, I bolt out of my bedroom.
"Where have you checked so far?" I ask, as Hanji and I move quickly down the corridors.
"We checked the stables, the kitchen, the mess hall, we even started to look outside." Hanji explains.
"What the hell is going on?" A voice hisses.
I turn and saw Dante walking towards us.
"Tch, your fucking captain is missing." I hisses.
Dante looks at us for a moment, before bursting out laughing.
"Your a dumbass, you know that." He says, after he was done laughing.
"What are you taking about." I hiss.
He lets out a sigh, before saying, "Follow me."
I follow behind Dante, as Hanji follows behind me.
We were lead through different corridors, until we reach the door that leads to outside.
He opens the door, and we continue to follow him, until we reach a large tree, not even five feet from the castle.
Dante steps beneath the tree, before turning to face us, and simply points upwards.
We look up, and there, on one of the branches, is (F/N).
Sleeping peacefully with her back to the trunk of the tree, as if that was the most comfortable place in the world.
I scowl, as I hiss, "What the fuck is she doing up there?"
"Remember when I called you a dumbass, its because you never gave us assigned rooms, so each of us had to find a comfortable place to sleep. I happened to sleep in one of the corridors, I'm not sure where everyone else slept though." Dante says, before walking away.
"Tch, aren't you going to wake her?" I hiss.
"Nope, last time I did that, I almost died, so I wish you the best of luck." Dante says, as he waves over his shoulder.
I clicked my tounge, as I stared up the tree.
"What are we going to do now?" Hanji asks, as she too, stares at (F/N).
"Wait here." I hiss, as I walk up to the tree, and grabbed onto the lowest branch. I then began to climb my way up.
When I finally reached (F/N), I was about to shake her awake, but a voice stops me.
"Enjoyed the climb up here?"
I look to see (F/N) awake, staring at me, with a fucking smirk on her face.
"If you were fucking awake, why didn't you come down!?" I hissed, dangerously low.
"Because, you didn't ask. So, I thought I would enjoy the view up here. Besides, I thought I told you that we are oversensitive, and can wake up to the sound of a twig snapping miles away. So, you would think that I would hear you coming here with you loud footsteps." (F/N) says, as she stretches out, cracking her back in the process.
"Tch, I thought Dante said that he nearly died because be was trying to wake you up?" I say, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, that, well, you see, he was trying to see if he could sneak up on me in my sleep, didn't work, considering I pulled a gun on him." (F/N) says, standing up on the branch.
"Anyway, I'll meet you down there." She says, and before I could even open my mouth, (F/N) jumps off, landing on different branches, as she does a few flips, before finally landing on the ground.
"Good luck~." (F/N) sings, as she walks away, towards the castle.
"Tch, damn brat." I mutter, as I slowly begin my descent towards the ground.
After I reached the ground, I march my way towards the castle, and then towards the mess hall.
Once I was at the mess hall, I see (F/N) talking with her squad, as well as mine.
I walk up behind her, and was about to shout at her, but she interrupted me.
"Levi, if you don't mind, could you not try and sneak up behind me, its not gonna work."
"Tch, damn brat, go run twenty laps around HQ, now." I hiss.
"Eh, only that, no wonder your soldiers can't fight. You too soft on them, usually I give my soldiers fifty to a hundred laps, as punishment." She says, as she stands up, and crosses her arms over her chest.
"Tch, then why don't you go do a hundred?" I hiss, as I cross my arms over my chest as well.
"Well, I was about to start warms ups, but I guess that'll suffice for now. I'll be back in about a half an hour or less." She says, as she walks out the door.
I scowl, as she leaves.
"You know, I've never seen captain do that before." Mine says, as she takes a bite of her bread.
"Tch, so she doesn't usually piss people off, that's surprising." I say emotionlessly, as I sit down.
"No, she doesn't usually tease people that she meets, when she first met all of us, she was very strict, much more so then now." Daichi explains, also taking a bite out of his bread.
"What is it your trying to say?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"She's taken quite the interest in you, either that or she is so used to this place not being quite as strict and is basically messing around." Mayumi says.
"Tch, annoying ass brat." I grumbled, as I grab myself some breakfast.
After breakfast, I go outside, to see (F/N) still running, not even breaking into a sweat.
"How many laps did you do?" I ask, as she runs by.
"Fifty-seven." (F/N) says, as she runs past me.
"But, its only been fifteen minutes." I hiss, but she rounds the corner of the castle before she could say anything.
After about three minutes, she reemerges from the other side of the castle.
"Like I said, this was a form of warm up for me, because I was the captain, my training schedule is a lot more harsh compared to the members of my team." She says, as she once again passes me by.
"Tch, after your done with laps, we have to attend Hanji's experiments." I say, before turning around, and heading back to the castle.
Once inside, I head straight to my office, in order to finish the rest of my paperwork.

I Am A Fighter! (Levi X Reader)
FanfictionWhat happens when your and your team are one of the strongest army force in the future of 3014, and on one mission, your suddenly transported back in time with your team, to the Titan Era! Will you and your team quickly adapt to the limited resource...