Before we start please read this before continuing the book

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I want everyone reading this book to know that I wrote this book the way I wanted to. There may be some things in this book that you won't like and I understand that. You can voice your opinions in the comment section all you like, but there's a thin line between voicing an opinion and being disrespectful.

Also, the main characters in this story are BLACK. JUST BLACK! Nothing more nothing less. The reason for that is I want to embrace melanin you know? A lot of people think that being lighter is brighter and that in order for someone to be considered beautiful is to be mixed and that's far from the case.

I can tolerate a lot of bullshit, but being blatantly disrespectful... I don't fuck with that.

There may be a point in the book where you feel as though you're getting agitated with the charters action. Don't comment "this book is getting on my nerves." Because that's just rude as fuck and you can simply remove it out of your library.

With this being said, if something in this book offends you in anyway and you feel as though you have to say how much you hate it, remove my book from your library.

This is an urban story, and I'm not sugar coating shit that happens in this book.

Also, I'm not sure if Wattpad is making certain chapters in this book private so if there are private chapters, delete the book, follow me, then add the book back to your library and you'll be able to see it.


(To the people that already had this book added, I unpublished it to I could merge some chapters together. Not much has changed.)

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