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I fucking hate this bitch.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GONNA DO?!" I yelled pacing back and forth.

"Follow the car." Mateo got in the driver's seat and I got in the passengers seat.

"When we get her ass, I'm fuckin' ha' lil ass up." I said massagin' my temples.

"I'on know why you actin' like this. You can't expect her to do anything for us and cooperate wit' us if you constantly talkin' at her." Mateo said focusing on followin' the cop car Megan got into.

"NIGGA THE BITCH HAS BEEN TROUBLE EVER SINCE WE GOT HA' ASS!" I yelled sittin' up all the way in my seat.

"BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN TREATIN' HA' LIKE SHIT! Fuck is you talm 'bout? Think about it, if you'd just talk to ha' wit' some fuckin' sense, she'd be easy to deal wit', but you're so used to people jumpin' to the sound of your voice, you'n know what to do when someone challenges yo hard headed ass." We stopped a good distance from the cop car and watched as Megan walked in front of the pig.

"So what we gon' do?" I asked Mateo.

He shrugged his shoulders and looked at me, "we wait until it's time to pick up the girls."


The cop put me in a cell so I could lay down. I took a thirty minute nap, but woke up and started to feel closed in. "Hey, officer, I'm gonna step outside for fresh air. Hopefully I find a taxi to take me home."

He nodded his head and I walked out. I looked around and didn't see anything that looked suspicious. Right when I was about to walk in, I felt arms around my waist and a hand covered my mouth. It didn't faze me. I just let it happen because I knew it was either Mateo or Kyree. I was carried to a car and thrown in a back seat then they entered the car.

"Next time you wanna put your crusty as hands over someone's mouth, make sure you put on lotion and make sure they don't smell like weed, jackass." I rolled my eyes and looked out the window.

Mateo laughed a little and Kyree counted to ten. "You know, I'm really tryna be nice to you, but you REALLY pushin' it ma." He said turning to face me, but I didn't bother facing him.

"Whatever nigga. I don't need you being nice to me."

He shook his head and looked over at me. "What's your zodiac sign?"

I furrowed my eyebrows together suddenly interested in the conversation. "Why?"

"Just tell me your zodiac sign." When he said this, he didn't sound like he had an attitude which was strange.

"I'm a scorpio."

"That explains it all." He turned back in his seat and I turned back to look out the window. "Crazy ass," he mumbled.

It was about two in the morning and we arrived back to the gas station and the three girls came back to the car. They looked a mess and smelt like sex. The skimpy dresses they wore were crooked and stretched out and their hair was all over the place. I didn't want them to touch me, but I had no choice. I put my nose in my shirt and cracked the window open while I mentally cursed everyone in this car out.

We pulled up at the house and Mateo got out but Kyree didn't.

"Stay in the car." Kyree said as I was about to get out. I sat back in my seat and Mateo got back in the car after he locked the girls in the house.

"Where are y'all taking me?"

"Well, since you ain't gon' sell ya' body, you gotta do somethin' else." Kyree spoke pulling out the driveway and onto the main road.

"I ain't stripping if that's what you had in mind."

"Nah. I should've thought about that, but nah." He spoke. They laughed and dapped each other up, but I didn't find it funny.

We pulled up to this very nice house and they got out, so I got out too.

"This is where you'll be stayin'. With Kyree and I." Mateo said walking behind me. I turned to face him and he was looking at my ass.

"Walk in front of me." I said with a slight attitude. He smacked his teeth and maneuvered around me.

I entered the house and was in awe. They decorated their place really well.

"Come in the kitchen Megan."

I walked into the kitchen and sat at the counter.

"Since you won't sell ya' body, you'll be sellin' dope." Kyree said with a smirk on his face.

"Like hell I will." I rolled my eyes.

"You will. There's no debatin' it. Either you do that or sell your body or get ya' family killed." He smiled at me.

I wish I was a nigga so I could knock his bitch ass out.

"Whatever man. Why am I staying here and not with them other females?"

"Because they don't belong to us. We borrow them from their real pimps. We use them when we want a little pocket change." Mateo stated making himself a bowl of cereal. "So make yourself at home because this will slowly but surely become home to you until we say otherwise." He walked upstairs to what I'm assuming is his room and I looked back at Kyree.

"Where's my room at?"

"Follow me." He lead me upstairs and into one of the three rooms that were vacant. "I'll take you clothes shoppin' tomorrow." He walked out the room and closed the door behind him.

Kyree was a character. I don't know what's wrong with him. Maybe he's bipolar because one second he's yelling at me and the next he's being nice. He wasn't bad looking either. He was about 6'3 and was kinda light skin but not really. He had tattoos on his arms and neck and he most likely had tattoos on his chest.

Mateo was nice to me. He looked like he was about 6'3 as well. He was a little darker than me. He has a really nice smile. I can't say the same for Kyree because I've never seen him smile. Mateo also had a really nice jawline and tattoos on his arms. He has a beard, but it was tamed and he has the sharpest jawline and curly hair. To be honest, he kind of looked better than Kyree. They were both skinny, but you know what they say. Skinny niggas are always packin', but I'll never find out.

They were both good looking individuals to say the least.

Kyree up top

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