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March 10


"So at this connect party that's gon' be in a few weeks, Mateo and I gon' do what we normally do which is just chill out. We gon' have about three guys wit' us actin' as though they normal. Those guys gon' be lookin' out for Lester. Bubble gon' start talkin' to Lester."

Bubble was a trigger happy lil nigga. He was just three years younger than me and Mateo. Along wit' him bein' trigger happy, he goofy. Weird combination, but it fits him.

"Ight so boom," he started. See what I'm sayin'. Goofy. "So I'm gonna act like I'm tryna be a partner with Lester and get him to take me to his warehouse so I can scope it out. I'ma let y'all know if I see her. If I don't I'ma let y'all know what the warehouse look like."

He actually came up with a good plan.


I spoke too fuckin' soon. This nigga can't be serious for too long.

Everyone dispersed after the plan was discussed and it was time for me and Mateo to head out and check up on Brian since he decided to leave.

"Ight. Y'all hold the fort down. Practice your shootin' too."


"AYOOO BRIAN OPEN THE DAMN DOOR NIGGA!" Mateo yelled while bangin' on the door.

A middle age white man was walking his dog and shook his head. "Niggers I swear." He mumbled.

"The fuck you say?" I asked calmly approachin' him.


Before he could finished his sentence, I two pieced his ass and Mateo stomped on his ankle. And just for the hell of it I took his lil yorkie.

"Now this my dog. Pussy ass nigga."

I ain't wit' allat talkin' shit. Also, I noticed that these days the new trend is to record racist. Fuck that bullshit. Niggas needa start layin' them mothafuckas out.

Just then Brian walked up beside us and shook his head. "I can't stand his pussy ass. Y'all come in befo' he wake up."

After steppin' in his place, the three of us pulled out a wood and sparked up.

"So you gon' be there at the connect party?" Mateo asked Brian.

He signed, "yeah man I guess." He took a long drag and sat up in his seat, "I'm just ready for this shit ta' be over. I neva' knew I could be so attached to someone like this you know? This shit makin' me realize how much time I spent wit' her and how much she matta' ta' me. Shit crazy bruh."

Mateo nodded his head and started smirkin', "aye playboy it seem like you love shawty."

"Hell yeah. Nigga lowkey in love," I added tryna lighten the situation.

"Man. I think I do, like, on god. She just... everythin' I could eva' need and want you feel me?"

We nodded our head and finished smokin' together.

Havin' Megan bein' gone lowkey fuckin' wit' me too. Even though me and her ain't start off on a good foot, she like a little sister a nigga never had. I'on got no siblings. The only family I got is Mateo and Brian along wit' his mama, so Megan like a member of our small family. We gon' get her back whether we gotta kill this nigga, or kill someone close to him. But ultimately he gon' die.


"So when we get him, I wanna deal wit' him." I said lookin' them both in the eyes.

"Aye man I'on know. I know how you feel about bein' involved in shit like this." Kyree disagreed.

"Man fuck allat. That nigga took my baby man. I'm gon' deal wit' his ass."

They sat back on the couch and nodded their heads.

I can't wait till this bullshit over.

March 12


"Wake up puta." I heard Lester say after pulling up a chair in front of me.

I was tied up against the wall with my arms and legs stretched out. I had been here for a good four days. He had his people give me water and I've only eaten twice.

"You know," he started then chuckled, "I should really kill you. Thinking I was gonna be stupid enough to fall for the trick you tried to play." I didn't say anything. Just looked at him with disgust. "Oh cat got your tongue?"

"No," I rolled my eyes.

"Hahaaaa. Too bad your friends won't be able to get to you," he shifted in his seat then crossed one leg over the other. "I don't know if I wanna keep you down here to make you go insane or pimp you out. So many decisions."

With that, he got out his seat and walked out the room leaving me in here with 2 of his guards. They looked at me with no emotion so I know for a fact they won't budge, but I have to try something.

"I have to use the bathroom." I said to no one in particular. "I promise I won't try anything funny I haven't for the past few days anyway."

They exchanged a look then walked over to let me down. Just as I promised, I didn't do anything to cause any commotion. They then handcuffed me in the front and walked me to the bathroom.

In order for me to go to the restroom, we had to walk through a hall passing some rooms and we had to pass a screen door. That's the exit maybe.

"Don't take too long." One of the guards said.

I nodded my head and walked into the bathroom and thought for a moment.

How the fuck am I gonna get out? Jumping out of a two story building is definitely not an option. It's not realistic. Come on Megan think.

Yeah there's a screen door, but I can't do much if I'm in handcuffs and they hold me while I'm walking.


After actually using the restroom, I stepped out and let them cuff me again and walk me back to the room.

I think I know what I'm gonna do.

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