The Start of the Never-Ending Adventure

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I woke up to the sound of breathing. My eyes were greeted by the darkness of the house. I was about to sit up ad stretch, but something stopped me. Froze when I saw what.

Dipper's arm was around my back. His other hand was holding mine. He looked so peaceful sleeping... At that moment, there was nothing more of my wish then to be a normal, 12 year old girl. I always looked the part, but never really was. The only light shining in the room was my slit-like eyes, and the small sounds of the TV. My yellow hair was tied in a pony tail, and surrounding me and dipper was a blanket. 

I smiled, and snuggled deeper into his chest, slowly falling back into his mind, wanting to find out more about his crush on me, when I caught noise in the room upstairs. I looked back at dipper, who was snoring lightly. I squealed a bit. How cute!

I kissed his cheek, not really wanting to leave his side, but I had to, to see what was going on upstairs. I slowly removed his hands from me, and back onto him. He turned on his side, and started to snore lightly, again. I sighed, and floated up the stairs, hearing from outside the door.

"Match-Made!" Mabel's voice projected in triumph. She laughed.

"Haha!" Candy laughed with her. Mabel laughed again, but then stopped in confusion.

"Why are you laughing? I haven't said a joke yet!" Candy laughed again.

"De actually thinks Dipper likes her! Isn't that funny Grenda and Mabel?" I growled in frustration.

Grenda laughed, but I heard no response from Mabel.

"Actually, I don't think that's really funny. Dipper really likes her, and she feels the same. Sorry candy, but Dipping sauce is taken!" Candy's sounded like she was going up in smokes. I quietly laughed.

"Don't worry! We'll help you find someone for you! Right grenda!" Grenda nodded in agreement, when She bursted out in tears of anger. She was throwing stuff around.

"No! I don't want anyone else. I want Dipper!" I could feel her stares from the door.

"And I'm not letting some stupid demon take him from ME." She stomped towards the door.

I quickly flew downstairs, laying on the armchair just in time, because dipper rolled back into his other position, and wrapped his arms in the same way he did before. Candy was stomping down the stairs, while Mabel was trying to stop her with "No you can't!" And "This is true love!"

I Noticed something on my head, for the first time today. I felt for it, which turned out to be dipper's hat. My black top hat was under dipper's hat. I squealed again. That's so sweet! But then I heard Candy stomping towards the room. But no time to think! Just pretend your sleeping! 

I Layed my head on dipper's chest, and closed my eyes, still watching her from the inside of my eye lids. She stomped in, and stood in front of us, her face all red. Mabel stood in front of us, Blocking Candy from coming near the armchair. She whispered so she wouldn't wake us up.

"No! Are you crazy!?! This is a cute couple here! *Gasps* Scrapbookertunity!"  She pulled out her camera, and was about to take a picture, when Candy took her by surprise. She jumped over Mabel and grabbed Dipper by his shirt, waking him up, and pulling him towards her face. I fell onto the chair, As Mabel took the picture. It flashed in my eyes, causing me to have to rub them. Mabel gasped again, and Hide to photo. I levitated it towards me, and was about to start crying when I saw the image.

Candy was kissing dipper, while in the back ground, I was face planting into the chair. I took the image away from my eyes, to see it was still going on. Candy was still kissing dipper, and dipper didn't seem bothered. My eyes swelled up in tears, as I grew taller, and taller, into a hideous creature. I hissed and stood on my 2 of 4 legs. I was about to slash them to pieces, when I just went back to my human form, and ran out the house. I ran into the front yard, and threw off dipper's hat, and burnt it when my blue flames. I undid the pony tail, letting my yellow hair loose, then Looked at the photo. I wrote on the back of it. It read:

Thanks for making me believe I was a normal girl

Xoxo,  De Cipher

X=Cut O= Die

I threw the photo onto the ground, and then turned towards the open air. I heard foot steps, followed by Dipper, Mabel, Grenda, and Candy. I turned to them with red eyes. Literally.

"De, let me Explain-" I put up and hand, which shut him up immediately. I turned around, using half my strength, I conguered up a dark purple portal. I was about to step through it, but then Dipper's voice stopped me.

"I can explain! I Thought it was-" I did the same thing to shut him up. Mabel spoke up this time.

"Where are you going? Are we ever going to see you again?" I shrugged, not answering the first as fast as I hoped.

"I'm going to another realm, to calm down, before I destroy this WHOLE-" My eyes lit up in red, but then soon calmed down. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Everyone looked so guilty. I glared at dipper.

"Sure you can explain, when I'm not here! Just please, don't even ask my dad anything. You'll make it worse, even for yourself. Good bye, Candy's Boyfriend." 

I turned, and stepped through the portal, but before I could complete my step, I said one last thing to them.

 "My dad plans to take over gravity Falls in a few days, so don't get comfortable. BYE." i jumped through the portal going to a planet that can calm me down. It was the planet of Dancing.

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