A Forgotten Friend

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Ilia lifted the Zora child in her arms and ran into castle town. Once inside it looked like a ghost town everyone but guards were at home in their own beds. The Hylian guards looked at Ilia in a funny way, because they had never seen a Zora, or Ilia before.

Ilia kept walking trying to remember street left of the plaza, first alley to your right at the end is the doctor.

Ilia kept walking straight until she reached town square. There was a beautiful circle fountain in the middle. Ilia looked up and there was Hyrule Castle touching the sky. She looked around and saw a street on the side of the fountain. She scurried there, then after a stand of flowers, she immediately turned to the right into an alley. The alley was much darker then the streets, no natural moonlight touches this alley. It gave off an eerie tone. Ilia slowed down scared. She held the child tight in her arms to comfort herself. The boy was still unconscious.

A light turned on at the end of the alley. The old building had a wooden sign on it.

Medical Clinic   

Ilia put on an alleviated smile. She went inside. A short crusty old man with glasses too big for his head was walking around and saw Ilia.

"We do not have any free beds, go home and call me there. NOW!" yelled the doctor going back to one of his patients. A tear ran down Ilia's cheek with the feeling of failure. She couldn't get the boy help. He could die because of her.

Ilia walked out crying. "Why are you crying sugar?" said a woman at the other end of the alley.

"I need help for this boy and the doctor won't help!" Shouted Ilia. The woman came towards her. The woman was a big woman, more voluptuous curves than any other Hylian. She laid her hand on Ilia's shoulder.

"Honey, he doesn't work for new folks. Come down to my bar and then we will knock some sense into that geezer" ranted the woman

Ilia nodded "Thank you, what is your name?"

She let out a big smile "Call me Telma" she replied with such a joyful spirit. She wrapped her arm around Ilia's shoulders and led her to her bar.

At the bar, they rested the Zora child on a low table. Ilia tended to the Zora child as Telma tired her best to get in contact with the doctor.  

Ilia asked Telma  frantically "This boy... can you save him?"

Telma sassed "All right, little lady try to settle down. Okay? I just now sent for the doctor!"

she added "But this is strange, a child of the Zora's? I wonder if this is at all related to the incident the soldiers were talking about in the back" Ilia could feel something around her like a wolf. She looked back, on the floor there was a shadow moving.

A few hours later the doctor came in.

"What is the issue?" snarled the doctor

"Can you save this boy?" asked Ilia

"No! You're that new girl from before. I am out of here. I can not help Zora children." the doctor was heading for the door.

Telma shouted, "get back here geezer!"

A man in a green tunic entered the bar. The man was very handsome with his wide blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, broad shoulders and thin pentagon shaped face. The doctor looked back a yelled "That is a Zora child! This s beyond my expertise! Hmmph" The doctor pushed the man in the green tunic out of the way. The doctor and the man looked at each other in the eyes. The doctor gave a death stare and the man was left in shock of how rude this short old doctor was.

Ilia ran behind the doctor "Doctor, wait! If something isn't done, this child will.." her hand was held together as if she was hoping for a miracle. Ilia turned away in shame that she couldn't help the Zora. It seemed for a second the man was trying to get Ilia's attention. She looked for a second at him. But then she couldn't remember anything, making her feel more depressed.  She walked back to the child and cried at his side.

Telma gasped "That old coot reminded me, though ....I've heard of a shaman in Kakariko Village, in the Eldin Lands. Who's tends Gorons and Zoras." Ilia raised her to hear in hope.

She stood up and rushed to Telma's side "Is that true? Perhaps if we take him there..."

Telma dismissed her idea "Inadvisable! Too dangerous!" The guards came from the back and nosed themselves in the conversation. All the guards spoke in unity "But we can't turn a blind eye to a pretty girl in need, either. Yes, we'd escort you. Am I right boy?!" The guards became animals, roaring and pumping their spears in the air, 

Telma turned to Ilia, with a smirk and a tone of sarcasm "Well. isn't that nice? To reach Kakariko, we've got to cross two plains that are each infested by dangerous beasts." she paused for a second, and the bravado Telma could see in the guards quickly melting away She then continued "But we'll be safe now!"

Telma and Ilia glanced back to the guards. Only a chubby short one was left, then once he noticed his cowardly friends were rushing out the door behind the man in a green tunic, he ran with them. Telma's eyes cringe "Cowards! Don't EVER show your faces here again!" The man in green was stiff and frozen at Temla's glace.

Telma's face faded back to her normal expression "Oh my! Looks like we've got one young swordsman left!" Her smile grew ear to ear. "And not only that, but it looks like this brave young man will escort us. So get ready, honey. Pronto!" She snapped her head towards the back room.  Iliia nodded and dashed to the backroom. Telma walked up to the man in the green tunic. From the backroom, Ilia peaked out from behind the door to look at the young swordsman. The swordsman was very handsome, something made her feel like she knows someone else that looks like him.

Ilia got back on task and filled a knapsack with random supplies from food to first aid.  The small silence of the backroom was cut by the sound of paws tapping its claws on the stone bricks of the city. Ilia heard panting, there was a small crack between two old bricks. There was a black shadow of a wolf.

The shadow lurched closer, the shadow was a black wolf. Ilia's eyes widen. The wolf's eyes were crimson. The wolf leaned closer to her eyes. Those eyes are too familiar, to be of a strange wolf.  Those were the eyes of a man. A man she had known. 

The eyes were putting her in a trance.

Ilia I will come back to you, do not tell anyone about me. I know all of your memories.  

Ilia lashed back and left the back room shocked. But somehow Ilia wanted to keep her promise she made to the wolf.  

Telma, Ilia and the man in the green tunic set off on their small journey to Kakariko Villiage. 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N ok last time i check i had 95 reads! thank you sooo much! almost 100 wow thats small but its still a huge step for me :) thankx again. I forgot to say the my ffriend jake aka HeroOfShadow is writing another POV of a small ordon girl charater so check it out please:) thankx 

and i am deicatiing this chapter to harrys-links 13 :) those two best firends who are so different but have to same passion for writing and reading:) 

thank you try to post next chapter soon:) 

ps unedited will fix later

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