The Boy In Black

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Ilia had to do something. She paced as she held her head in distress. Ilia ran up to the door and held the knobs.

"I have to go out there, for Link," she whispered to herself. She opened the door swiftly and closed it softly. She had her back against the wall, creeping little by little along the house. Every little noise made Ilia's head twitch. She stopped where the path to the graveyard began. "You can do this Ilia, just a few steps that way. This is for Link. We need to save Link." She spoke to herself.

Ilia ran to the graveyard, huffing and panting in fear. The wind made noises of the dead. A blackbird was flying over. It chirped wickedly.

Then others came to its aid. The leader came dashing down, stabbing its beak on the ground between Ilia's feet. She screamed and ran around the graves, trying to dodge the mad killing birds.


One dropped dead in front of her with a black arrow in its head. Fear of the unknown made Ilia's legs tremor. She couldn't hold herself up anymore, or her sanity. She collapsed on all fours.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

More fell dead out of the sky. Then the first bird exploded into a purple mist. "Those birds weren't just any kind of bird. They are called Guay. Those beaks of theirs are thick and sharp. Once they come at you like a dart, its inevitable death." said a voice in the dark

"W-who a-a-re you-u. Please don't hurt me." Ilia pushed herself back against a marble tombstone.

The voice chuckled. "You don't need to worry Ilia. If I wanted you dead, I would of let those bird do it for me." Ilia saw a shadow of a man lounging on a tree branch at the end of the graveyard.

Ilia grabs a stone next to her. "Don't come any closer!" Ilia declared. She raised the stone, it was tightly clutched in her hands by her fear.

The man smirked. His smile looked like a crescent moon in the shadows. "You think you can hurt me with a rock, huh?" The man moved his hat from covering his eyes. They were the crimson color of blood.

Ilia knew those eyes.

The eyes of that wolf.

The man sat up on the branch and jumped down. He stood up straight and stared at her. Ilia was still frozen holding up the stone clutched in her hand. Her eyes began to scan the man's clothing. The man wore a black tunic, just like Link's green one. The man was an exact replica of Link. Besides the black skin and cloak, white hair, and those crimson eyes. The man dives his hands into the pockets of his cloak.

"L-link, is that you?" stuttered Ilia. The man in black rolled his eyes and set his head down.

He sighed, releasing smoke under his warm breathe into the cold night. "Why does everyone want me to be him or kill him. For the love of the three goddesses, can people recognize me." He popped his head up. He started to stroll his way up to Ilia.

"Did you kill Link?" yelled Ilia. The man did not answer. He kept walking towards her. Clutching the stone tighter she said "Don't come any closer, or I-i'll throw this. " The man just gave her that same crescent moon smile that he gave her earlier. When the man was nearly five steps away, she flung the stone at him.  

In a flash, the man had a hand out of his pocket and caught the stone with two fingers. "W-who are you-u?" Ilia said aghast. The man stood in front of Ilia, her eyes leveled with his mid-thigh. The man looked down at her.

He smiled and cackled. "You really think a stone can save you from an enemy?" He glared at her then continued, "How cute of you."

Ilia's face was rouge. She yelled back "I am not cute! And who are you anyway?"

The man held out his hand. "Let's get you standing up."

Ilia held his gloved hands and pushed her body up with her knees. "How'd you know my name was Ilia?"

"Because I am your protector," The man replied. "Now, Ilia, I am the man Luda told you about. Now you have two options: you can have my real name or the name I prefer to be called."

Ilia crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Your real name because the other option is probably 'protector'"

The man tilted his head to the side. "You have known me for about two minutes and you think you can read my mind? You truly are adorable. But anywho, my real name, sadly, is Dark Link" 

Ilia's eyes widened. "W-why?" Ilia began to yell louder. "What the hell are you? Did you kill Link?! Are you one of those monsters?"

The man shuffled behind her and covered her mouth. He slid his face on the side of hers. He pressed his lips on her ear and whispered "I am not a monster. Link is alive, but he doesn't need to know I am either. Everything will be revealed in due time, my Ilia"

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