Tables Turn

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Dark Link had Ilia locked in his arms. Ilia struggled to break free but couldn't. Yelling for help would be useless with his black-gloved hands over her mouth. Ilia tried to bite his hand but the leather of the black glove was too thick. Now her mouth was drying up from the sand and dirt on the his glove. "Nah ah Ilia. It is not polite for a lady to bite. Why can't you trust me?" Dark Link taunted. Ilia squirmed even more. Her mind was filled with fear and panic.

What if this guy is lying that he is good?

What if he is a pervert?

What if he is here to kill me?

Is he the reason I can't remember anything?

Ilia pointed her toes and kicked back into Dark Link's shin. "Gyah!" Dark Link released her. Ilia turned around and saw him holding his shin. She shoved him to the ground all on panic and impulse. Dark Link's head hit a marble stone on the fall down, the hit of his body on the ground erupted a huge sand cloud. Before Ilia's sight was completely covered in sand dust, she grabbed a shiny iron sword gleaming with the moonlight at Dark Link's side. Dark link was shaking his face to get the sand off, he swiped his hand across his side for his sword.

But it was gone.

His red eyes widen at Ilia with the sword in her hands. He fixed his eye back into that arrogant stare and waved his black cloak at her. The black cloak soared at Ilia like a net trying to engulf its prey. Ilia knew she had to be quick.

Without a thought of hesitation, she swung the sword at the cloak. She saw the sword ripped through the cloak, and behind the rip of the broken cloak, she saw Dark Link ready to pounce at her.

She waved the sword back, now Dark Link's throat was at the tip of the sword. "Now where did you learn to do that little lady?" He put his hands in his pants pockets. 

Ilia gripped both hands on the sword's handle. She was breathing fast and all that commotion cause her hair to be in a mess. Her green eyes were piercing at him. "Don't you dare sweet talk at me, mister! Now put your hands up!" 

Dark Link gave that classic crescent grin. "Whatever you say, darling," He raised his hands to the level of his eyes. "But I see where you got that courage." 

Ilia shouted at him.  "What are you talking about?" 

He spoke softly. "Your eyes, they're green."

Ilia moved the sword so the tip was bending the skin at his throat without puncturing it. "Yes, what about that?"

His crimson eyes broke off the arrogant look. His face was more relaxed. "It doesn't make sense; all humans have brown eyes. But yours are green."

"Explain what the hell are you talking about!" Ilia was growing scared and impenitent. It was scaring her to see how different she was becoming.

"Eyes are the doorway to the souls, they reflect which power of the three goddesses dwell within us. Humans aren't a race of the three goddess so they all have brown eyes. Brown eyes mean nothing, blue eyes are wisdom, red eyes mean power, and green eyes mean courage." He explained.

"So what are you trying to say?"

"The goddess has blessed you with courage." The two of them turned their heads to the sky. Another flock of Guay was soaring by. When Ilia looked back at the end of the sword Dark Link was gone. 

A shadow appeared behind her.

It was Dark Link wrapping his arms around her. He grabbed over her hands. "Let me show you how to use this." He whispered in her ear. The flock of Guay came darting down; Dark Link leads Ilias arm to each upcoming one. The purple mist from each kill of the Guay made it seem like small purple fireworks were exploding around them. The last Guay dropped a yellow rupee on the ground.  

 Dark Link backed away from Ilia and picked the rupee up. He held it in his hand, he gave Ilia a bewildered look. "How did that little bird swallow this?" 

Ilia shrugged her shoulders. Dark Link handed her the rupee. "Here, take it." Ilia held out her hand and grabbed it. She stabbed the sword on the ground and leaned against it. Dark Link walked to his ripped cloak and picked it up.

"Why do you want me to have it?" Dark Link handed her his cloak.

He looked her straight in the eye and pointed to his cloak. "For you to pay Luda to fix my cloak."  He laid the cloak over her shoulder. Then gave her a mischievous grin.

Ilia's mouth dropped. "Really? Why me? You're a grown man! You can do it yourself." Ilia bickered.

Dark Link crossed his arm. "I know I am, little lady. But I have stuff to do, very important stuff to do."

Ilia put a hand on her hip. "Like what?" She sassed.

Dark Link poked her nose and said. "Save the world, and protect you." Ilia expression was still  in a fit of anger.  "You know, you are cute when you are angry." Dark Link added.

"No, I am not! Leave me alone. You know what, you are not getting this sword back!" Ilia yelled. She picked the sword up and held it tightly on her side. She turned to the exit and started walking out of the graveyard. Dark Link leaped to her side. 

He leaned his cheek against hers. "Did you know that sword does not belong to you? Hmm?"

She whipped his face away from hers. "It does now." 

"Fine." They were getting close to the village. He walked along side her shoulder to shoulder. He slowly sneaked his arm around Ilia. 

"What are you doing?" Ilia asked. Then Dark Link poked her side causing her to drop the sword. He snatched in a split second. 

"Thank you. You see the tables are always turning." He grinned. 

Ilia stopped. "What are you going to do now, huh? Save the world?" She asked sarcastically. 

Dark Link hooked the sword at his side. "Yes, I am to save you and all of Hyrule!" 

Ilia scolded. "I don't want to be saved, I want my memory back!"

Dark Link scooped her in his arms and walked her back to Renado's house. "I will get that once you are a little nicer to me, and get my cloak fixed." 

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