Chapter Two

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I was having a very stressful week this week. I had a nigga named Ya Ya on my head over a couple dollars I owed him. Oh well, I'll pay him eventually. When? I'm not so sure but it will be soon. I decided to go out to The Jazz Club tonight and get drunk and might go home with some nigga or some bitch. Yeah, I'm bisexual and all that jazz. I love girls like a kid loves candy. (A/N: Dorsey's picture and her outfit will be posted on the side for your viewing.) I was looking bad tonight so getting anybody wouldn't be an issue. Since I figured I was going to get really messed up I saw no point in taking my car so I called for a cab.

It was now 10:43 in the evening and I was at the bar of The Jazz Club. I loved coming here. Everybody was so nice here and since I was a "regular" everyone knew my name. "Hey Dorsey," this man named Kevin that worked there said to me. I smiled, "Hey Kevin." He grabbed a seat next to me. "Taking a break I see." I said laughing. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I can't wait to stop doing this little waiter gig and start playing my sax again." Kevin was a beast on the saxophone. I heard him play once or twice before on amateur night. I grabbed his hand and said, "What you need to do is get up on that stage and play your sax." He smiled, "Naw I can't do that." I pouted. "Why not?" 

"You know I got stage fright."

"I can help you get over that though and you know that!"

"Yeah, I guess." I smiled. "Perfect, we'll start this weekend." He laughed, "Ok, Dorsey. I better get back to work though." I smiled as the bartender Tasha handed me my fourth drink of the night. "Have fun, Kev." I said before taking a small sip of my drink. "Yeah, you just make sure you don't have too much fun and slow down on the drinks." I waved Kevin away and turned my attention to Tasha who was not her usual self today so I decided to find out what her problem was.

"Ok, Tash. What is it now? This bull shit job, your dead beat baby daddy, or your twins Tonya and Tahj?" I asked her. Not only was Tasha my bartender, she was some what the closet thing I had to a best friend or a sister. She shook her head. "None of that, lovely." That was her nickname for me. "Then what's wrong little lady bug?" That was my nickname for her. "I don't think you should be here tonight." I looked at her confused. "What you mean? You don't want me here now, Tash?" I asked annoyed. "I don't mean it like that, I'm just saying..." She said before she looked around to see if anyone was listening and started to whisper to me. "You have that nigga Ya Ya out here looking for you and you know you owe him money!" She finnished as she pounded her fist on the bar one time. I rolled my eyes. "Girl please, Ya Ya may be crazy but he ain't that crazy!"

"We talkin' about the same Ya Ya right?"

"Girl, Ya Ya is not worried about me..."

"See that's the thing, Dorsey! You think everybody playin! You gone fuck around and get sent out in a body bag!"

"Tasha, why you trippin?"

"I'm not trippin I'm looking out for you! You know what you drunk and its time for you to go."

"I ain't drunk yet and I'm not going no where."

"Yes you are, go stand outside and wait for your ride. I'm calling you a cab now." She said as she dialed a cab service and pressed the phone up against her ear. "Fine!" I said grabbing my clutch off the bar. "Some friend." I mumbled under my breath. "You'll thank me one day!" She yelled after me but I just flipped her off. I went to the dance floor because I was not ready to go home yet. I started dancing when I had bumped into someone. "Oh my gosh, I'm so.... Sorry?" I looked and saw this beautiful light skin girl in a blue dress. She looked pissed at first because I spilled a bit of her drink on her when I bumped into me. She then looked at me like she was about to curse me out but once she saw my face she smiled. "It's ok. Valentine." She said reaching out her hand, "and your name is?" I smiled and grabbed her hand. "It's Dorsey."

Valentine: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now